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A warlike race led by a cult of power, orcs are a thoroughly chauvinistic species. Orc males are heavily muscled, belligerent, and incredibly dumb. Their nations are divided into clans, each with a leader who earned his place by right of strength. The clan is named in honor of their leader.

Orcs are mainly occupied with two things - war and alcohol. Orcs do not build cities and are nomadic people. They do not stay in the territories they occupy. When the leader gathers a sufficient number of warriors, the orcs tire of fighting over who is the strongest among them, and the stocks of alcohol run out, the orcs leave to look for new battles.

Despite the apparent strength and stupidity of male orcs, female orcs look only slightly different from average human women. Years spent hiking taught them to control their fertility and sexual access, and suspend it at will during long marches. They can close their vagina; nothing will penetrate them if the orc's woman does not want it. Naturally, therefore, they consider women of other races to be accessible whores and despise them.

According to Orc customs, only full-blooded Orcs can go into battle, and female Orcs are rarely born. Therefore, a significant part of a leader's job is to keep the female orcs willing to breed. History knows of many cases when, having quarreled with his concubines, the leader doomed his clan to extinction.

As for their relations with other races, orcs breed freely with them, giving rise to half-breeds. Their fate is unenviable. They are not considered full-fledged representatives of the clan. Instead, they are used mainly for dirty work, cannon fodder, or as sparring partners for training, although there are exceptions.


Shorka was not always a great warrior. A female orc warrior is nonsensical to her fellow orcs. However, being much more intelligent than her male compatriots and considering her leader to be a complete cretin incapable of managing their clan, Shorka flatly refused to give birth to the horde. Not thinking of any better way to convince her, the clan leader threw her into a dungeon. In the jail with her was an elf named Anorien. He convinced Shorka that he would help her become the head of the clan. Anorien's calculation was simple and cunning. He intended to secretly lead the clan using Shorka as his figurehead. Shorka did not have the sufficient physical strength and did not have a member between her legs to be able to challenge the leader and take his place. Using the magic of shapeshifting, Anorien endowed Shorka with both strength and a large dick.

Clan Shorkaru

Shorka challenged the leader and easily defeated him, becoming the first female leader of the orc clan. The orcs of the newly named Shorkaru clan have accepted the fact that a woman now rules them.She dealt with all those who disagreed with particular cruelty. After eradicating her opposition, Shorka appealed to Anorien to return her genitals so that she could give birth to an heir who would continue her traditions. The conniving elf refused to do this until Shorka fulfilled his instructions.

As with many elf schemes, Anorien's plan failed. Shorka refused to be a puppet in the hands of an elf. Cautious against Shorka’s retaliation, Anorien changed his appearance and disappeared.

Furious, Shorka became determined to unite all the orc clans under her leadership, in order to forever change their established customs and to equalize the rights of the orcs of women and men along the way, looking for the very elf who deceived her. Fortunately for her, since she was altered by their magic, Shorka could see elves hiding under the mask of other creatures.

Clan Dorkaru

Opposition within Shorka’s own species soon presented itself, in the form of a clan of "green orcs” ruled by a brute named Dork. His family is in decline. Dork holds conservative views on the management of the clan. He refused to join Shorka, believing that it was wrong to mix orcs of different stripes and use half-breeds in battles. After suffering severe defeats by Shorka's horde, he hides in the catacombs below Arknam. He is still strong enough to maintain leadership among other green orcs but has lost the respect of his concubines. Inspired by Shorka's example, they refused to continue the Dork’s bloodline, and consider him a dumb weakling. This has rendered him unable to create a new army. At the time of the game’s beginning, the Dorkaru clan is the only clan that retains its independence from Shorka.


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