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Mind Flayer, Elves, The Forest of Oblivion, Satyrs and Vampires


Due to their fragile appearance, elves were perceived as bright and kind creatures. This could not be less true. They are malevolent manipulators who twist the lives of others with the conviction that they are a supreme race.

Due to their physical frail nature, the elves do not wage war with fire and sword. They prefer to spread their influence and take advantage of the benefits of other civilizations through treachery and guile.

Elves are not only very cunning. Their deceptions are served by their powerful shapeshifting magic.

They can change their appearance and even gender to merge with others’ nations and weave their cunning intrigues. If you've met an elf, it's possible that she wasn't always like this. After spending the night with her, you might awake in the morning beside a man with an impressive organ. Don't be afraid. Regardless of what’s between their legs, the elves know a lot about hedonism and are as skilled at pleasure as they are at all other forms of enchantment.

The Forest of Oblivion and its Satyrs

Satyrs are magical beings living in harmony within The Forest of Oblivion, a mystical woods beyond the boundaries of N’ul’s visible realms. Knowing no malice, fear, and war, they spend all their time in games, delighting each other while achieving perfect mastery of the carnal arts. Their command of desire extends to a potent charm magic that can seduce on sight. If an aggressor invades the forest, potential conflicts end quickly, often before they even start. While the forest itself strips weaponry from interlopers, the sexual magic of the satyrs seduces them. Soon, would-be invaders find themselves ensnared in endless carnal games with these bizarre creatures, forgetting their goals. Once they’ve played enough with their new companions, having tried all possible sexual practices with them, the satyrs let their “guests” go safe and sound. Or, at least, mostly intact. Returning home, the invaders find they’ve also forgotten the way to the Forest. Every map written never leads to this decadent destination. It was a haven for hedonism, at least until the elves came to the Forest.

Bloody Orgy, Satyrs, and Vampires

The elves weren’t the usual invaders of the Forest of Oblivion. They came unarmed, but their aims were far from peaceful. The meeting between the Satyrs and the Elves predictably ended in a grandiose orgy in which the shape-shifting Elves showed truly new dimensions of eroticism to the Satyrs. Fed up with the various pleasures that skillful Satyrs could offer, some elves crossed the line of reason. They gorged themselves on the Satyrs’ blood. Filled with the magic of the Forest, the blood of the Satyrs gave the Elves incredible pleasure, but the gruesome orgy was so terrible that the moon turned red on that night. Along with the lives of the dead Satyrs, the Forest of Oblivion lost some of its magic. Now its boundaries can be breached under the baleful light of the Blood Moon.

The Elves who tasted the blood on that fateful occasion have changed. From their twisted condition, Vampires were born. Driven by a thirst for blood and unbridled lust, these demented parasites spread the infection of their unlife, becoming dangerous even for their relatives.

The rest of the Elves retained their sanity and locked themselves in their sanctuaries, the surviving Satyrs hid in caves, and the Vampires explored beyond the Forest in search of new victims, attacking lonely wanderers of N’ul Realms’ wilds in the dark.

Curse of the Elven People

Vampirism was not to be the last curse of the elven people. After surviving the Blood Orgy, they found they were completely sterile in their male form. Now, even though Elves live a very long time, the outcome for them is obvious. Sooner or later, their race will disappear.

To avoid this, the most experienced in the magical arts have set out to find a cure for their curse using magic enhanced by the Forest of Oblivion. During one of the magical experiments, they managed to open a portal to an unknown dimension. Unfortunately, the opened portal to alien dimensions spewed out unknown spores, further poisoning the forest. Unable to close this living portal, a group of volunteers ventured into this new dimension to explore.

The Halls of Flesh

The place the explorers ended up in was unlike anything they had known before. The walls were woven from pulsing flesh, and maddening chthonic whispers were heard everywhere. Finally, the Elves faced the Mind Flayer. Part of the research team tried to talk to him but was consumed, body and soul.

Realizing the unstoppable horror that they faced, the survivors chose to sacrifice themselves. They cast protective spells and seals, and closed the portal from the inside.

The Mind Flayer

The sovereign of the alien dimension that the Elves accidentally opened was a chthonic ancient being driven by the desire to grow and consume. The world in which he is located is too tiny for his ceaseless hunger, since its flesh has absorbed everything in his native dimension. Now he waits, just past the fraying fabric of reality, eager to escape his prison and devour another universe.

An Outcast People

Having failed in their search, the remaining Elves left the Forest of Oblivion, exploring N’ul Realm for a cure for Vampirism and sterility, and for a better life. Instead, they’ve only become embroiled in the strife of races they feel to be lesser than them. The Orc invasion and its clan wars, the slave uprising, and the Arknam heresy proved to be the perfect kind of historical events for the Elves to blend into the nations. In the process, they’ve become as caught in the conflict as those who started it.

Despite their extensive history, all a traveler of N’ul Realm really needs to know about Elves is they can't be trusted. NEVER. They are deceitful, selfish, parasitic creatures feeding off of any strata of society that they’ve snuck into. Your friendly neighbor with whom you drink in a tavern after a hard day's work may well be an elf who has changed her appearance in pursuit of goals known only to her.



Super enjoyable having this twisted fantasy background. Nasty elves! Good world building.