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Hello Everyone!


My family and I are alive and doing well. After returning from a short road trip, I faced several challenges that needed to be solved immediately. I overcame some of them to write this post with a cool head.

After one of the last shellings, the windows in the apartment I live in were damaged, and it became impossible to stay inside with the onset of cold weather and blackout. Replacing windows will take some time, so we moved to a rented apartment.


Many people have already asked me, why don't you leave the country? I can't go because I'm liable for military service.

Why don't I move to a safe region of the country? There are no safe places in Ukraine.

Based on these factors, I decided to prepare as much as possible for wintering and development during future blackouts.

Besides the move, I was busy buying gas for cooking (successfully), generators (will have it next week), charging stations (waiting for them to process my order), power banks, Starlink (hope to have it following Christmas), LED lights, food, and other necessary things. I never thought that by 2023 I would be investing such a crazy amount of money in survival. I am infinitely grateful for your support because it makes our life possible.


Currently, there is electricity for about 6-9 hours a day. I don't have information when the electricity will be turned on or off. Internet connection is about the same. Therefore, I try to adjust to these outages to continue working on the project. I hope to get at least a generator soon and thus provide a more or less stable power supply.

I'm not writing this to whine to you. I just want to let you know that the project is not abandoned and that despite all the difficulties and challenges, I continue to develop it.

When you start to analyze the problems one by one, everything does not look so scary. And this is nothing compared to the hardships that the defenders of my country endure. Therefore, I perceive everything that happens as the price I pay for freedom, including the freedom to be an indie developer in a peaceful country.

Stay Tuned!



Stay safe as best you can. Have you looked at the solar powerbank type generators? They'll be quiet as opposed to a gas generator and don't need fuel except sunlight. Of course a gas generator just needs to be filled with gas when a solar you can't refill on a cloudy day or at night.


Thank you for your message. May you and your family continue to be well, given the circumstances. My thoughts are with you. How not? All of you are fighting for peace and freedom for us too. I thank each and every one of you, with all my heart, and I hope that this cruel struggle will ultimately lead to peace, even if it will be very, very difficult. But one thing is clear: we will not give up and will go the way we have to go. I thank you for everything. Keep taking good care of yourself and your family. I'm already looking forward to your next message.


I hope you continue to be as well and as safe as you can. All I can say is best of luck and we'll be here when it's over.

Russell Brandon

Stay strong and all will work out friend 👍


take care and Poland is with you brothers and sisters


Stay safe and focus on your family. We'll be here when you are ready.


Dude the time to worry about the development you are taking is crazy I would have not even thought about this and I love that you are. I hope that you stay safe and that you and your loved ones stay warm and healthy. The game can wait we can't get the game if you are not here

Mr Stealth

I hope that you and your entire family wall make it safely through this ordeal. And honestly, i personally wouldn`t mind if work on the game is halted while you focus on keeping everything at home stable. Especially through winter.


Stay strong my guy we’re all here to support you. Glad to hear you and your family are safe, stay strong we’re all here with you. ✊🏼


Stay safe, stay strong, and slava Ukraini from the US!


We have a lack of sunlight during winter. The sky is completely grey. So it won't fit for my situation