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Hello Everyone.. In case you haven't read the latest news, there has been a blackout after a massive missile attack on Ukraine. At the moment I have no source of electricity, internet, water and heat. For this reason, I cannot be online. I hope our emergency services will fix the problem soon.

Stay Tuned!



Fuck ruzzians


Just stay safe, that's all that matters now, don't worry about the updates!


Couldn't phrase it better than this, all the best for you

matthew jones

fuck puttin. let's not forget there are some Russians who don't support him if not most. hes just useing his power to keep them quite. and if they refuse bullets. the man is ex kgb. viktor stay safe ok? glory to Ukraine. victory to Ukraine. glory and victory to her people.


I have to say this as a person who lost a family's house and buried friends due to this war. It's hard, because we must differ people of russia who support the war against Ukraine and those who do not. It's hard because their propaganda makes an image of 100% war support.


A member of my family fighst in Ukraine as a volunteer, this guy has military experience and years of service. He was on several foregin misions all ower the world. I saw the recirdings and heard his stories of what the ruzzians were doing to the civilians. This guy has already seen a lot but even he is shoked. Ruzzians are no longer pepole, because pepole would not do such things. Only when we take away all weapons from ruzzians we begin wonder which of them is guilty and which is not.


Just be safe man!


That's why I say that hard to differ them. It becomes even harder after each new war crime they made.

matthew jones

honestly. and i hope this helps. when this all started. i was going through a rough patch in my life. and belive me. i have every thing to lose with what i,m about to say. i have freinds. i have familey. i have a loveing partner. i,m safe in the u.s. but when i heard about what the russian soldiers were doing. and how countrys like mine were handling it. i thought about going to try and sign up for the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine. i speak fluent english. and i know alot about the military and its history. i tould both my dad. and my partner i wanted to go fight for Ukraine. because what russias doing is wrong. there commuting war crimes. and the west is just siting on there ass. and not trying to get puttin tryed for war crimes. when my partner heard this. and relized i was willing to put my life on the line. for a county and people that i didnt have to. they froze. but then said they might need a black dress. so they understood. when i tould my dad. whos a vetran of the cold war vetnam era. he sat there. and there was a moment of "i knew he wanted to surve our country. i never thought he,d be willing to go this far" and he tryed every thing to talk me down. even brought up my grand father. and his serivce in vietnam and karea. honestly i still want to come over. and help. but what can i do. i don't meet the requirements for the military. and. honestly. i can't come over as a humanity aid worker. because if i do. i know my ass. it wont be long before i find my self on the front lines. doing garllia tatics agenst the russian troops. witch would only make more problems for the people i,m trying to help. i feel bad for the ukraine people. but i also see the flip side here. and thats how the russian people feel. my freind steph. not gonna say the last half of his name. but he HATES putin. and fears him. hes acctuly refuseing to go back to russia to check up on family. and hes a u.s born cizten. but. he HATES puttin. u can hear it in his voice how much hate he has. u can hear it in the way he talks. and trust us. puttin thinks his censership works. its not. the west can see it. we see it in how he handles his protest. we see it when troops decided to refuse to fight. see it. honestly. remiber your history here for a moment. in world war one. russia did not have a goverment like it dos now. they still had a zar. and what happened to the russian zar? the people had eough of his shit. even the military. and they fought back. so to any one who reads this in ukraine. who needs hope. please. take my words with a grain of salt. but a pound of hope. the russian people are nearing there brakeing point. and its only a matter of time. before history repeats its self. you will have victroy ukriane. you will have glory. for you and your people. and belive me. if one 27 year old. who lives in the u.s. and has every thing to lose. wants to help you. but can't. then there are others like me. who will support you. and who might even be willing to throw it all away to come over and help u. but the thing is. history can repeat its self. and unforntly for russia. its about to. its only a matter of when.

matthew jones

honestly. i just replyed to viktor on my comment. but you might want to read it. i do agree on one thing with what u said here. there are people who don't see the russians as a people. how ever as i also said. history can repeat its self. and unforntly for russia. it looks like its about to. if we take away the weapons form the russian people now. then history can't repeat its self. i say let puttin lurn the heard way.

Russell Brandon

Stay safe and hope everything goes good for you from this point.


F******g Putin why won't someone just kill him?

matthew jones

from my understanding. it has to do with him being ex KGB basically. witch is why a 2d Russian revaluation would be ideal.

zachary curtis

omg I hope you have firewood...