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Hello, Everyone!

Suddenly it’s Monday, which means it’s time to wrap some things up and give you a few updates.

Voting Is Completed

Thanks to everyone who took part in the vote. Also, thanks for the honesty in the comments and discussions. You helped me understand your preferences and adjust the development process for your tastes. I also want to reassure you that I will not make any sudden updates, as they can be an unpleasant surprise for any part of our audience.

Release of the Demon and Priest Gallery

An update for the gallery of priests and demons will be released this week. What will it be about? Look at the wallpaper for this month, and you will get the idea.

What is the Next Release About?

I’ll continue the "potion maker" branch along a plotline that will affect the destiny of the Dorkharu clan and reveal the history of elves, vampires and Doug.

Global Lore

I ran into some unexpected problems, the kind you want to have. It has been four years since I started my journey into the world of adult game development, and the project has expanded through several transformations, including narrative ones.

Because of this, some players may have a mixed view of the game, with some plot elements even seeming contradictory. I’m working on a document that describes the universe's history, with each character's location and a summary of the events in the game.

The Reason?

First, it will be easier for us to discuss the game’s story with you and to decide on the future development of the N'ul universe.

Secondly, it’ll be a kind of design document, which I can use to easily coordinate the plot branches and fix narration issues.

HD Version of The Last Barbarian

I promised to tell you about the HD version of The Last Barbarian this Monday. The migration to HD will take some time and will be done gradually since the project has grown so much. Before starting a full-fledged transfer, I need to make sure that the current build will run without any problems for you.

The best way to do this is to test one small location. But I wouldn't be me if it was just a room where you can interact with objects. I came up with a better idea for a test - to test it in the format of a mini-quest, the history of the relationship between the Witch and Doug. What do you think about this test build? Would you be interested in this story? I plan to finish it as a demo and release it in October.

This is all for today, guys, so Stay Tuned!



I don't suppose there will be more detail to her labia and anus? I recently played a game by Mr. Sloap called Tails From the Deep. I really liked his level of detail on her lady bits and how it um interacts with things? His is just a super short visual novel so far though and not a big roaming game like this.


Steam release in October?