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Hello Everyone!

Finally, I got my time in order and released the release as planned. I hope I can keep this rhythm and make releases without delay in the future.

What's new?

Shortly, there will be significant updates to the storylines, including “Politics is a dirty business” (yes, I know about the current problems in the passage and will fix them soon)

To do this, I continue to work on the Potion Lab location.


Now we can carry the brewed potions with us. But if you drink it, there will be no effect yet. (press U to drink). We need the potion to complete the quests.

Big Business

After you finish your first shift and go to bed, talk to the goblin. He will say that he wants to return to big business. To do this, he needs to expand the client base, and let's take care of it. How? We will offer potions to those who wish. To whom? Check the recipe book; in it, the goblin left notes on the client base.

New Client - Tramp (Tramp)

Do you remember the eternally pregnant Noria? Give her an impotence potion so that the tramps stop impregnating her. We now have a client who is suffering from an epidemic of "flaccid penis." How fortunate that we can treat this ailment.

Added new scenes (MultiCamera Support):

ManualJob, Blwjob, Swallow, Missionary (slow, fast, cream)

New clients - Prostitutes

Offer a potion (any) to the Brothel owner because someone has to heal the prostitutes.

The money component in this location is disabled for now, so feel free to get paid by barter and offer prostitutes to drink.

Added new scenes (MultiCamera Support):

Fingering, Scissors, Tentacle fun

Client - the owner of the Inn

Any owner of the Inn will not refuse a reliable supplier of beer. Having tried once, he will come for it next time. Try to keep the quality at its best. Otherwise, a disappointed customer will demand compensation for the damage.

Added new scenes (MultiCamera Support):

Deep Throat, bottle penetrating, tentacle fun.

Client - Doctor

If gladiators are treated, they live longer and bring more income. The doctor (Arena location) is a good massage therapist, but it is not so effective when the bones are broken, and the muscles are torn. Offer him a healing potion, and you will brew potions for gladiators.

Client - Vampire

After you get more clients  (Doc, Inn owner, Prostitutes, and Tramps), you will be visited by a vampire.

Added new scene (MultiCamera Support):

Eat her, face down, ass up (Slow, Fast, Cream)


Give potions to your friend troll - Yavo. He loves gifts very much.

Added new scene (MultiCamera Support):

Ragdoll (Slow, Fast, Cream)

New models for old characters

I added new models of vampire, prostitute, tramp, and gladiator. I will update them in the whole game in the future after testing and tweaking.

That's all for today. Over the weekend, I plan to update the walkthrough and work on a minor release.


Enjoy the game and Stay Tuned!



Having trouble downloading the game any help?


How to I run the game on windows? I cant seem to get it to work.