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You know, time is a very strange thing. Daily processes repeat, and every day lasts too long. But at the same time, looking back, you see that more than 40 days have passed since the beginning of this nightmare.

My life is now divided into two parts: Survival and Project.

Survival: The Hope

When I mention “survival,” I do not mean that I am constantly sitting in the basement under the air raid sirens (although, this often is the case). I am talking about a common cause for everyone. I have never seen people so united and involved, and I am glad to be a part of this movement.

Thanks to this and our army, I have the Hope that the place where I am now will remain safe. But in any case, I have a backup plan for what to do in case the evil have the opportunity to turn this place into a burning ruin. It gives me some comfort and faith in a better future, which means I can focus more on what I'm doing.

Project: The Release

I know you've been waiting for an update for a long time. And I am grateful to everyone for the words of support and understanding. I will be brief. I have almost finished what I wanted to publish in v.0.9.20  and plan to release the update as early as next week.

Patreon Goals

I know that I have not paid enough attention in my posts to the achieved goals on the Patreon page. I assure you, I have not forgotten and do not ignore it. I intend to resume work on the HDRP update by the end of April.

Stay Tuned!


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