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So friends, it's Friday again! Another week has passed, which means that it’s time to update you all.

Demon and Priest reward

What to do if you are tormented by inner demons? What if you can't tame them or kill them? The solution is simple. F*ck them all. I have an update of the Gallery for Priests and Demons for you!

Download links are here:



0.9.20 Release date

I continue to work on a new release. At this moment I'm compiling new content and updated texts, as well as testing the updated "Servant of gods" storyline. So I hope to roll out a new update soon. Many people ask me when the release will be out, and also many people are worried about my safety. I will try to answer both questions in the format of my daily routine.

I am relatively safe at the moment, as far as it can be in my country now. And this is what the schedule of one of my days looks like

Typical day of developer from "safe" parts of Ukraine:

- 6:50 Air raid alarm! Wake up. Run to the shelter!

- 8:30 Air raid alarm turned off

- 9:00 Breakfast, shower etc.

- 9:30 It's time to do your work

- 14:30 Air raid alarm!  Run to the shelter!

- 16:30 Air raid alarm turned off.

- 17:00 Late lunch.

- 17:10 Air raid alarm!  Run to the shelter!

- 19:50 Air raid alarm turned off.

- 20:10 You can finish your lunch

- 20:30 Nope. You can't. Air raid alarm! Run to shelter!

- 21:10  Air raid alarm turned off. How many rockets do they have?

I hope we will have a "boring" night. Turning off lights helps prevent the targeting of bombs on my city.  Sleep well, my country. One more day is gone.  I can do some part of the work now.

I'm not complaining, many of my compatriots are in a much more dangerous position and are being fired on 24/7. In my case, this simply imposes certain restrictions on development planning. I hope to release the update before the end of the month or early April.

P.S. Oh and I definitely got better at running!

P.P.S. - 23:55 Air raid alarm! Pack your laptop. Run to the shelter!

Stay Tuned!




Viktor - Glad you remain safe and still keep a sense of humor. I hope there is some relief soon. I also worry about the Warthunder company (my fav flight game) since they are HQ'ed in Kyiv as well. Just when we get COVID mostly behind us, this happens. Stay Strong and Healthy!


What do you mean "Wrong Hole" ?