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Hello, everyone! I want to talk to you about how the project is going and about my activity in the near future.

Working During Martial Law

Due to martial law in Ukraine and frequent air raid alerts, I can't clearly plan my working day. I haven't been drafted into the army yet, so I'm trying to be useful here as a civilian. So that you don't worry, I will try to post weekly reports on what I am doing at the moment and how things are going. If you have any further questions or suggestions, or just want to say “hello,” the fastest way to reach me is through Discord.

Also, here’s some good news about the Discord server: We’ve almost reached 7,500 Members! Yay!

The Voting Results

I gathered the results of the vote on a possible romance storyline for the game and have added this storyline into a development plan. Thanks for all your comments below the post and your suggestions. I’m saving everything to incorporate as these plot elements evolve.

What will the next vote be about? I will report that later. But feel free to suggest topics for voting and discussion under this post.

Patreon Goal HDRP

I know that last month we reached one of our patron goals. This is amazing! So, I’m going back to HDRP development as soon as the situation in the country stabilizes enough that I can work without interruption. 

What Am I Working On Now?

As I said before, I am focusing a lot of my attention to polishing the game, in keeping with the results of the last vote.

Currently, I'm working on enhancing the Servant of the Gods questline. What are my goals?

  1. Reworking and fixing narrative problems (It is somewhat confusing and illogical in places)
  2. Updating and adding lewd scenes (e.g. a “Mother of Tentacles” event)

That's all for today. May the future bring even better things for us all - Stay Tuned!




Bro.....Just unleash the Torus on Putin


I wish you good luck out there man! This game has a lot of potential, stay as safe & healthy as you can!


thank you for update, wish you luck friend

Daniel G

Good luck and stay safe! The game can wait if you get called in. Though last i heard the army is full and well prepared. But not sure how accurate information is we get here in canada. Its usually filtered and altered


Stay safe and best of luck.


Best of luck .