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Hello, everyone!  The end of this month is near and I have something to share with you.

Demon and Priest Rewards Update!

Night in the desert. Bonfire. Two gnomes tell each other stories. The frozen Barbarian asks for a place to warm up. They'll warm her up, for sure.

[Demon Link] [Priest Link]

Results of Direct Democracy in Action! Working on 0.9.19!

As I said previously, our community directly affects the development of the plot. Based on the results of the previous vote, I decided to majorly enhance the Brothel location and significantly change the exciting mechanics. I’ve added a dynamic visitor generator, implemented interactive “services” scenes, and drafted and animated lots of new content. Let the whoring begin!

Fixing the Plot

A lot of players have enjoyed the Dorkharu Den story branch. There’s more to come! I have a big bunch of your suggestions and wishes, and many of them are simply great! I’ll need some time to put them all in order, then will definitely include the ones that are possible in the story.

One of my supporters noticed that the plot looks mixed in some places, so I’m taking some time to get the story streamlined and flowing logically. The result will be a mind map of events that will ensure the story makes sense and gives visibility on the many plot threads of The Last Barbarian.

Your Awesome Support, Enumerated

The Discord server has nearly 7,000 members, and almost 1,500 people supported the project in January! You are incredible! I am grateful to each of you for your contribution and support.

A Final Note on Personal Misfortune

Unfortunately, I am faced with very serious family problems that need to be solved urgently. I don't want you to think that I left you, what with my inactivity on Discord over the last week. It’s only that, at the moment, I have less free time to spend on development in order to release the next update on time. I hope my family issues are handled soon, and everything will return to the normal dev cycle. In the meantime, of course, I still try to answer any questions you may have.

Stay Safe and Stay Tuned!






Охренеть, я понял 90% написанного без перевода) даёт себя работа с иностранным контентом) пусть с семьёй всё будет хорошо, и возвращайся к нормальному графику работы над проектом) мы постараемся поддержать тебя!)


You've done great work on this project so far; take care of your family, the game is secondary to that. hope you resolve the problems well