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It’s time for direct democracy!

I can’t remember where, but I heard a story about a guy who rented out every aspect of his life to internet users. They made decisions instead of him: What he would eat today, what clothes he would wear and how he would spend his leisure time. I’m also striving to make my project as driven by community decisions as possible and so, since this is the beginning of the year, I want to set my priorities for the next few releases.

I want to begin by asking: What should I prioritize? Put simply, what comes first - new content or improvement and expansion of existing content? Should I continue focusing on producing new content, like expanding prostitution storylines and continuing the conflict and intrigue between orc tribes and elves? Or should I shift my focus entirely to polishing and improving the existing content, like improving the outfit and appearance choices, or game engine and functionalities?

The percentage of voting results directly determines the distribution of my working time.

Leave your invaluable vote on the poll 




Little bit of both maybe


Yes a little of both?