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Hello, Everyone! I have some development news I’m happy to share with you.

Storyline of the Month

I continue to expand the storyline with the Witch, Barbarian and the Orcish Den. The witch treated us as her property, so we have to teach her a lesson, right?

I am also working on a couple more things that I am sure you will like, inspired by the results of the latest poll.

Fail of the Month

I tried to update the project to a newer version of Unity, in order to use the procedural animation package as well as some fluid simulation assets. But I failed. The problem is that the assets that I am currently using are not supported by the newer version of Unity. Therefore, the update process requires follows:

1) Delete all deprecated, unsupported assets

2) Refactor about 27 scenes of the project, which I estimate three days of work will accomplish

3) Update the project to a new version, about a day-long process

4) Make a build and test everything to be sure that everything works fine

5) Pray

This does not mean that I give up this venture. I'm just postponing this to January, as this is a very time-consuming process.

Clean Up of the Month

In the process of exploring the game engine update, I took some time to clean up the project. This led to some errors. I fixed all that I found, thanks to having a backup, but any I missed may appear in a upcoming build. Therefore, I ask you to bear me, extend understanding and, most importantly, write to me in the #bugreports channel on Discord if you find something.

And of course it bears mentioning, the problem with the game’s sound levels annoys me as well as you. I will focus on improving them soon.

Discord of the Month

Our Discord’s #dev-blog channel has become an announcement channel. Follow it to stay informed about all the important updates!

Speaking of which, a new poll will also be available soon. I will post these regularly and find the results invaluable. After all, it is your voice that determines how the project will develop in the future.

That's all for today. Do not switch the channel and Stay Tuned!


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