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I’ve been robbed

I apologize for my long silence. I returned from vacation and needed some time to put things in order after the rest. Someone stole my PlayStation account and bought few expensive games using my credit card. I had to block my cards to avoid losing my remaining money. Luckily, I was able to regain access to my account, recover the stolen money, and reissue the cards. Friends, be careful! Always use 2 - step auth if you can and strong passwords!  You never know that something like this can happen to you!

Discord and releases

There are almost 5k participants on the discord server! I am glad that the community is growing and this motivates me to continue what I am doing. work. I am continuing to work on a new update and will post it soon. Also, Demons and Priests will receive a gallery update next week. I think you have guessed what the new gallery will be about. I have two fetishes, dungeons and huge monster men ... just kidding ... I have a lot more fetishes


I also ask you to excuse me for the delays in posting walkthroughs. I hoped to do this immediately after arriving from vacation, but due to the circumstances described above, I could not do it right away.

Stay tuned!




Damn... Hang on there!