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Hello everyone! 

It’s time to share with you my plans, my current progress and news.

Hardware update

Firstly, I’ve updated my current workstation, thanks to your support I have a new RTX 2060 powered laptop. THANK YOU SO MUCH!  My old laptop has been overheated and as result broken after 0.8.7 release (shit happens, yep), so I spent a few days moving working files to my new machine. 

Code review

I reviewed my current code and decided to rebuild a few core things. The problem is that I started develop this game more than year ago and I was really newbie in C# code. 

That's why we still have an annoying “cursor problem” and "clunky combat" .

So what am I focused on now? 

Targeted hit reaction. 

In the current game, when Barbarian receives damage, she steps back. It’s kinda confusing when she gets hit from behind and then moves in the same direction.

The new character controller will react to hits in a more expected way. 

New UI, Cursor fix and body morph

I think that an important part of any adventure game is the possibility to track a character’s progress and change her appearance. Especially if it's an adventure game for adults

In the following release, you will be able to customize the size of the breasts, hips, buttocks and waist of Barbarian. I will not add a huge number of settings at this release, cause I need to adapt existing animations to the new functionality. I most likely will not have enough time to adapt animations in the current release, but I will leave it for the 0.9 release. And also, this update will fix "annoying cursor" problem

Galleries rendering update

I paid attention to my current gallery and I’m not satisfied with the skin rendering result. I’m digging out with an Octane settings and made a new preset for barbarian skin.  So I want to ask you to vote between two different skin presets here: VOTE. It helps me to decide what shader I will use in the following Priest and Demon update. 


I will also be glad to hear your wishes and suggestions in my discord channel. 

Some of the players told me, that it’s kinda difficult to find the link. 

So, here is the link

Stay tuned!



Congratulations with new computer. fixes and other stuff sounds great.


Great, glad you were able to purchase a new laptop to replace the old one. Now you can focus directly on the game!