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So, I keep working on upcoming release and it is time to tell you what I have already done.

Last week I drank tens cups of coffee and finally I made a script of procedural generated level, it’s a huge piece of work, you know. 

Also, in this release you will be able to swap your body with Bee'h Athair. He is the god of Time and he struggles from invasion of GOF. So, you can join Barbarian and Bee'h Athair’ souls and play as Bee'h Athair.

New enemy.

As we have a procedural level, I need to test it with some enemies. Here is a new Imp, which you have seen in my previous release, but she isn’t so friendly now.   


Each procedural level should have a final boss and I know that you missed Her. So, yes, we will fight against GOF. If you think it’s the end of game, you’re wrong. It’s only one of many endings which I’m going to make. 

Torus’ ending

I hope that you enjoyed my latest web demo, If not, here is the link

As I said earlier it’s a part of upcoming release. Unfortunately, It will be added only in 0.7.1 not in 0.7. The reason is production time,  I’m trying to make releases each month, so I don’t want to delay 0.7. 

Small changes

I realized that a lot of players can’t find the way from N’ahzerahn to pocket dimensions, so I changed cultists’ dialogues and texts on the stones. Also I’m working on FAQ section, which I’m going to post here after 0.7, it should help new players to find all ingame features.

I hope that all of you have a nice day and everything is going fine, so I keep working on 0.7. 

I plan to release updates at the end of the this week.

Stay tuned!