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So friends. I have quit. Now I am unemployed.

I needed to solve a couple of questions related to my quit, that why I was silent.

I’m sad and a little bit worried about my income.  After all, now Patreon is my only source of money.

But apparently it's time to decide. What will I do?

Will I spend time for a new job or will I choose a dream? It is my Game development.

So I have decided to choose a dream, because it inspires me. 

I hope the Universe will hear me.

Tomorrow I will publish the cultist release

As for Demons and Priests, I will deliver them one of these days.

Thanks for staying with me.



Hey man full support from me to you hope your all good bro


I'll chime in with the luck-sayings and that it's important to chase a dream, but I also have to say that I'm sceptical. If you're aiming to be another one of the "full time patreon"-people, you better know that it seldom works out. It takes focus, hard work and an ACTUAL full time patreon work schedule (at least 7 hours a day, 5 days a week), results, results, results, patience and savings to make such a dream come true. Most people get burned out when it's no longer just a side-income hobby, but an actual job requiring lots of dedication, boring hours and real consequences. Also, IMO, your patreon project (promising, though it is) is currently not in a satisfactionable state to attract enough support to compensate for your lost income. I'm cheering for you, I really am, but this is serious. You're gambling with your future, man. You should definitely have a plan B, just in case. With that over with: I sincerely wish you all the luck in the world!


I agree with this, currently your patron is not making enough to provide stable financial security. You may need to find a part-time job or a full-time job with less workings hours until your patron earnings improve. Since you have more time for development, I'd recommend investing some of that time to advertise your product on different social media sites to attract more attention and hopefully more support.


May your dream come true.


I agree with those points made. Your Patreon simply doesn't have enough people who know about your project and by extension, potential revenue. You need to somehow double that amount and the best way to do it is to get the word out to more people. There is no doubt the work put in The Last Barbarian is actually promising. Still, you can have the most impressive work in the world but it will do you no good if no one knows of it. More than just developing the project, you must also make sure not to neglect the marketing aspect of it.


You Could do like Adeptus Steve and make a sellable version of another game. Then when this game is ready make a Steam safe addition with a separate Patch. Good luck with your leap of faith.