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Every now and then I spend some time for self-education since I’m always hungry for cutting edge technologies. I always want to improve what I have now, to get a perfect picture. And every time I look at what I’ve done and I’m still not fully satisfied.

I’ve updated Unity 2017 to version 2018 recently. I couldn’t just pass by new features that were added.

I’m talking about High Definition Render Pipeline now. This is a super cool feature that lets get AAA graphics for high-end hardware like consoles and PCs. 

Of course as I was writing in the previous post I must stay focused. So I set a 12 days time limit for tenuous learning of this technology 

The result is a short video demonstrating some abilities available for us thanks to this incredible technology

You can download a demo project or just a video demo, if your computer is not powerful enough. (Works well on laptop with GTX 1060 3gb)

Hope you like it!


What did I get from such experience?

1. Now I know the level of graphics I want to reach in my projects. Hope in the nearest future I’ll be able to spend more time learning and optimizing this technology so that I could use it in TLB projects.

2. These are new opportunities for creating interactive films as well as a chance to avoid long rendering just to get a few-second animation.  

3. I’ve grown in my intention to create AAA Adult games. I have to reconsider a lot in terms of graphics. 

4. Some tools like Cinemachine i can use in current project

And while you’re reading this, I’ll go on working on a new release

And as usual, will be glad to hear your comments and ideas



good job m8! :D


I do pay for 10 bucks but y it said tat I'm paying for 10 per month and I still cannot check the parton only pages