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I know that you are waiting for updates of  your version. And I must share some technical points with you. 

As I wrote before I managed to update my hardware a bit. Now I have a normal graphics card. Scenes that are open in the gallery I used to render with IRAY. It is a great tool but with some flaws: 

  1. Noises. Final rendering has a lot of noises. So a lot of time is needed for post-processing. And in any case it is impossible to reach the quality that I have on my mind.  
  2. Productivity. Unfortunately during rendering I cannot work simultaneously with Unity.
  3. Rendering time. If you choose between quality/ time it takes around 10 mins for one picture rendering. If it is a video with minimum 60 frames… you can imagine this huge number. 
  4. Preview issues. During animation and posing one can miss some detail so the night spent for render will be a waste. Need to start from the very beginning. 

To avoid this and improve my productivity I decided to switch to Octane. I need some time to learn all settings. So I hope that the more time I will spend on it the better content quality I will get. 

As an example of a new look I attach two of Demon gallery animations of upcoming release. 

Thank you for believing in me and staying with me. 



Sounds good. And i'm here for the long haul, can't get rid of me yet lol.


Is there already a Priest version? Or when can you expect it