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I want to introduce all enemies of TLB game. In the new release monster profile system will be changed. And I want to give all opponents to common pattern. 

It is the first opponent of the game. They speak unknown language. Express special love to elves - their natural enemies. 

Attack 2HP. Health 4. 

More massive version of orc. Fucks everything that moves. Watch out! 

Attack 2HP. Health 6. 

Lustful weak enemy. Unknown origin. Emerged in N’ul-Realm after coming of Goddess of the Flesh

Attack 1HP. Health 3. 

Long-range attack enemy. Ancient order member. There is opinion that thanks to their pervert magical experiments Goddess of the Flesh came. 

Attack 3HP. Health 3. 

After slaves uprising in Arkhnam you can often meet them in stormy valley. Not much dangerous when alone. Drunk slaves are aggressive but weak.

Attack 1HP. Health 2. 

Werewolves emerging is connected with The Devenant Town mine. Fast enemy.  Better do not go outside at night

Attack 3HP. Health 4. 

An ugly bridge-dwelling creature. Strong and stupid. Don't feed the troll!

Attack 5HP. Health 20.