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Hello, my new friend! Welcome to my Patreon Page. I wanted to make my own adult game for a long time, but could not choose a suitable setting. I love all the games of the Dark Souls series - a lot of hardcore gameplay and fantastic enemies.

And then I thought - why can not I do something of my own in this style? So the idea of The Last Barbarian was born. The demo version is available via this links, which is still available for everyone. Play, enjoy, and leave your feedback.

Windows Version 

Mac Version 

And for your information - a new release is pretty soon!



Sparman 117

Hey, Vic. Will there be controller/gamepad support?


Of course. Frankly, it already exists. But it still does not work perfectly, so I disabled the gamepad support. Working on it now and will add in the next release.


Nice start Victor. I was impressed by the high frame rate with such beautifully detailed characters. nice use of economy of polys in nonessentials like the barrels while maintaining enough detail to make the MC look so good. Others have posted elsewhere, the gameplay would be greatly improved by directing the combat inline with the camera. It is somewhat difficult to react to movements by the enemies and direct the attacks, at least when playing on a PC (or in my case a Mac) with a mouse and keyboard. Maybe that is not the issue... perhaps some kind of targeting sight in combat mode would help... like a simple red dot tied to the cursor? Hard to say, some basic instructions on the controls would be helpful..... That said, I know this is only a Demo at this point, and as such it is VERY impressive.


Thank you, man! Yeah, combat – the most challenging thing in development. I'm was working on it for a few weeks and still improving it, so I understand your pain :) Thank you for your suggestions. It may help.


I like what I'm seeing so far! But you're gonna want to avoid the "r" word on this platform, or they'll shut you down in a hurry. They've gotten super uppity about that lately. Rewording tier rewards to say things like "H-scene gallery" and so on should help to keep you off their radar. Either yourself or your patrons entioning the word (or other terms meaning the same thing) in wall posts can also trigger their bots and get your project examined. I've seen a lot of pages suspended for less, and I'd like to see this one have a chance to succeed.


Hi Viktor. I discovered your project via tumblr and played the demo and I have some negative critism. I hope you don't mind. -> I'm not a fan of "perma-death". Let's say I play 3 hours your game and one monster kills me. Everything is gone. That would be very frustrating for me. Will you leave it that way or will there be a save function later? -> How can I heal? After some fights, she will be dead if she can not heal somewhere. -> Why hasn't she a shield to block attacks? I only can evade the hit if I walk back. That feels weird. -> Why does she have sex when she is dead? Are the monsters necrophiliacs? I would find it better if the fuck if I win. The thought behind this is, that if I achieve something I like a success. Not this: "Ah you won. Sadly no sex scene for you!" Doesn't feel right. :/ I hope it helps. kind regards.


I agree with the sex loss thing. Never understood why we have to lose to see the thing we want to see