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The Godslayer - Bad Ending 

The quest "Slayer of Gods" has been updated and returned. The Bad Ending is available for completion. 

Having met the Dragon, she will tell you that the Gods stole her body parts while she was sleeping. These artifacts gave them power. She wants to get them back.

Having avenged the Goddess of Flesh and taken her wings,Barbarian will regain Dragon’s  ability to teleport. The incredible power of the Dragon will be contained in her golden phallus, which is stored in the dimension of Bee’h. But no living soul can touch it. Therefore, Barbarian will go to Purgatory to lose her soul during Beeh’s trial.

After reclaiming her phallus, Dragon destroys N’akhzeran, kills the remaining cultists there, and deprives Torus of his followers' faith. Torus dies. His secret chamber in the mines collapses, and we can obtain the Dragon's Primary Egg.

Having given the egg to Dragon - Dragon  keeps her word and annihilates the Gods, but in the process, she also destroys N’ul, revealing her dragon nature. Using the runes, Barbarian activates the goblin spheres and destroys Dragon, remaining alone with oneself amidst the void. Barbarian is now the only rational being in the universe and essentially becomes a deity. A very lonely deity. 

This is the bad ending

Minor Changes:

Brothel - Tentacle Cabinet - updated textures

Torus Dimension - Location updated

Torus Dimension - Torus removed as outdated content 

Torus Dimension - Added the option to rescue the prostitutes of Vernon without hentai interaction (in case you do a virgin run).

Torus's Secret Place

If you kill Torus before rescuing Burgilda, she will remain in hell forever. If Burgilda is saved, she will wait for us in Torus's secret place. After Torus's death, his secret place changes its appearance. You can obtain the primary egg in two ways (hentai and non-hentai).

  • Stuck in the wall - updated

  • Stuck and slap - updated

  • Stuck and penetrated - updated

  • Swallowed - updated

  • Meat wall idle - updated

  • Meat wall penetration- updated

  • Meat wall pumping- updated

  • Meat wall oviposition - updated

Dragon's Cave

 If you gave the Dragon wings and phallus before obtaining the lava clay and freeing goblin, talk to the goblins in the cage when she flies away.


Location updated, Goblin columns added (it's an entry point for a good ending for this quest).

If the dragon receives wings and the phallus of power - she destroys Nazeran and kills the cultists.

Her appearance changed

Having sex while fly - available

Having fun with tail - available


You can refuse the final trial of Bee’h and immediately lose your soul.

Bug fixes

  • Orcish Den, xxx scene with goblins, wrong UI for “Next” - fixed  

  • Purgatory - last room, portals collider issue - fixed

  • Purgatory - statue collider issue -fixed

  • ARENA, fight with Shorca, if day or night triggers, you can’t click on button - fixed

  • Mines, Goblins run around and don’t attack - fixed

  • Potion shop, if you don’t have money for Herbs, player stuck - fixed

  • Potion Shop, if you let Trump to stay here, the goblin triggers 2 dialogues at the same time at morning - fixed

  • Night is not triggering in Stromwind Valley and Witch Hut when you enter location - fixed

  • Witch HUT, after giving witch Bad Beer Sample, there is no sample on the rack as promised. - fixed

  • Jerry, debt collectors event,  hand collision issue - fixed

  • Dragon hair shader issue - fixed

  • Troll bridge grammar issue - fixed

  • Tips counter is broken on the inn - fixed

  • Hungry status doesn’t change properly after sleeping in Orcish Den - fixed

  • No clip walking during lethel pages - fixed

  • Missing shackle when getting bred in arena - fixed

  • circle for scene transitions stays visible in prison - fixed

  • An entry in the quest log for Servant of Gods grammar issue - fixed

  • Devenant Papers - moved to inventory, Hugh dialog about papers - fixed

Here are download links

Stay Tuned!

P.S. If you encounter any problems during the game, don't hesitate to ask for help in our Discord community. Also, please leave bug reports - they help me make the game better!


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