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The next three days of patrols were a hectic mess as the monster spawns seemed to increase and Phoenix found herself and the others needing to support adventuring parties on the ground with the wall cannons more often. When they weren’t on the wall, they were training at the AOA facility once more, though Bliss couldn’t assist much anymore as her party became busy with missions of their own during the monster siege.

Paul had requested that Phoenix no longer be put on portal duties until further notice. His status as her official Mentor allowed him the ability to make the request on her behalf, and his position as the most powerful Caster in the city made the AOA actually agree to what they saw as an outrageous waste.

She was grateful that she hadn’t needed to ask Paul to do that for her and that he wanted to protect her from unknown threats as well. The idea of going back to the portal ground where Camrin might see her was terrifying and her mentor had seemed to sense her trepidation at the prospect.

The nightmares were still occurring but the severity and frequency had lessened now that she had Tala as a comforting presence when she awoke from them. After a few minutes of calming down and hugging the fluffy bird she would be able to go back to sleep.

The Familiar had been growing accustomed to sleeping beside her and staying perched atop her head or shoulder when out and about. Even while on patrol, Phoenix had opted to have Tala provide offensive support from the air whenever monsters got too close instead of turning into a beacon of light to draw their attention to her.

The downside of having Tala outside of her, however, seemed to be the little cosmic phoenix’s fascination with shiny things; frequently diving from her perch to chase after something that caught her attention. Which was something they first discovered when the sun came out finally and caused Dazien’s hair to glint like gems and Tala to try roosting on his head instead. It was further confirmed on that day whenever they passed someone wearing glinting jewelry. That was an exhausting day for everyone and Phoenix had never apologized so much in such a short amount of time in her life.

While Phoenix went over her list of abilities after that third night of wall patrol she realized that their progress was slowing to a crawl, only gaining the bare minimum from her time training and meditating. If she didn’t actually use her abilities and challenge herself then she would never grow stronger.

Profile: Phoenix Fraser
: Wayfarer
Current Caste: Crystal 1

Strength (Sun): Crystal 1
Agility (Dark): Crystal 1
Fortitude (Star): Crystal 3
Mind (Moon): Crystal 1
Magic (Celestial Astromancer): Crystal 1

Natural Talents
Astral Traveler
Guide Book
Beacon of Hope

Divine Titles
Chosen One




  • Guiding Stars (Aura Passive)
  • Transversing the Stars - Crystal 6 (54%)
  • Cosmic Phoenix (Class) - Crystal 1 (10%)


  • Embrace of Shadows (Aura Passive)
  • Night Blade - Crystal 3 (96%)


  • Radiant Sunlight (Aura Passive)
  • A New Dawn Rises - Crystal 2 (78%)


  • Moonlit Eyes (Perception Passive)
  • Lunar Dream - Crystal 2 (56%)

Celestial Astromancer (Class)

  • Astral Oasis (Aura Passive)
  • Ruler of Relativity - Crystal 3 (71%)

When Paul stopped by after her shift around dawn to make sure she got home alright, like he normally did now, the Wayfarer confronted him about them being stuck on the walls without the opportunities they needed to grow from actually fighting monsters, he shook his head and explained, “It’s not entirely because I asked them to keep you stationed here in Tulimeir.”

At her disbelieving look, he expounded, “Your party is an insufficient size and combination of Roles for most monster fighting missions. They usually want at least five to a party, and preferably of a variety of Roles. They’ll make the odd exception or request for specialist teams but right now your party is not that nor does it sound like your party leader wants it to be.”

Phoenix crossed her arms in a pout, not liking the excuse, and trying to think of a solution to her party’s problem. She was sure Dazien was probably already working on it but he did mention having trouble before finding her for some reason. Was Uriel’s Class really that off-putting to others? Or was she somehow making it even more difficult with her mishmash of powers? Murinah had seemed to not like her enough to try and murder her and she had never even spoken to the women before.

“On that note, however,” Paul said after rolling his eyes at her pout and breaking her trail of thought, “I may have a potential solution lined up for that particular problem. Bring those two hangers-on with you to my home for dinner later today.”

“They have names, you know,” she said wryly.

He just huffed at her, “Just bring them. I have some introductions to make.”

The paladin shut down any follow up questions she had. Which made it more difficult for her when she informed her teammates of the request for a mysterious meeting. Dazien was practically vibrating with curiosity as they made their way to the Wayland building and Phoenix was more than happy to let him lead the way as usual.

As they entered the lounge area that one of the house staff led them to, they found Paul awaiting them with two young women who were holding hands. The most striking feature was that they were definitely not cinderen or runeforged like most of the city and not a human or elf that made up most of the minority. They weren’t even gemites like Dazien. To the Wayfarer’s mind they were two-tailed kitsune women that leaned towards human.

Large fox ears covered in a dull brown fur that matched the color of their long wavy hair, and were tipped in a lighter sandy tone, sat atop their heads. The two tails they each had matched this coloring pattern and were so long that the tips brushed against the polished floors. Their hands were more animalistic than a human’s and she could see the tips of tiny claws poking out of the end of each finger and their bare feet were even more paw-like.

The pair looked identical at first glance, only being set apart by the clothes they wore which she thought were entirely too thin and sparse for the cold of the tundra. They both wore similar jewelry though; copper cuffs around their wrists, ankles, and upper arms were decorated with intricate filigree and copper chains with blue stones hung from their necks, brow and waists, jingling with every little movement.

After another moment of examining the strangers, noting the identical amber eyes with slitted pupils, she realized another thing that set the two apart: their expressions.

The one that was wearing a pale blue skirt and cream top that wrapped around the torso, was smiling softly towards her and seemed to be drinking in her presence and Phoenix could sense the woman’s aura brush gently against her own in greeting.

The other one wore loose cream pants that made Phoenix think of Princess Jasmine with a matching top that only covered her chest to her neck, leaving her midriff and arms exposed. It was this other one that somehow looked both skeptical and annoyed at the same time as the fox-woman eyed the group warily and asked Paul, “This is them?” her mentor simply nodded and the stranger continued observing them saying, “They look young.”

“They are,” the paladin confirmed, then gestured for her party to come closer then began introductions.

Phoenix’s brain had slightly short-circuited at the sight of the women who were myths-come-to-life and she sputtered, “You’re Kitsune?! I didn’t realize they were real here but I guess if things like dragons exist then it makes sense that kitsune could too. Do you get more tails with age or is it a set at birth kind of thing? Oh my gods, I have so many questions now.”

Paul covered his face with a hand as though trying to come to terms with what was happening and not scold her. However, she thought that he should have seen this coming and warned her properly before springing the existence of actual kitsune on her.

Uriel was the one that spoke up behind her in a half-whisper that everyone could hear, “They’re Voxen; not Kitsune. Kitsune are avals that have different abilities and can shift their forms. I believe these two are specifically Sandstep Voxen based on their coloration and proximity to us.”

Paul gave the cinderen a curious look but nodded and gestured first to the smiling one, “This is Lady Saiya and Lady Rayna Dewsong. They are Adventurers from the Epa Toivo region to the southeast of Tulim,” he informed them, “I recently met them during my mission to the region.”

Dazien took a step forward and gave a small respectful bow as he spoke, "Greetings, my ladies. I have heard tales of the Dewsong clan and the songs they've contributed to the Society of Symphonies. It is an honor to meet their leaders."

Then Paul surprised the trio by introducing them as well, “This is the party leader and Forward Defender, Mister Dazien Smithson. Their Backline Mage and area damage specialist, Mister Uriel Karislian. And this is, Miss Phoenix Fraser, a Midshift Supporter and my Protégé.”

Rayna, the skeptic one, snapped her head towards the Emerald Caster and clarified, “Officially?” At his nod the voxen seemed to reevaluate her carefully, even lingering on the little Familiar seeming to sleep in her hair.

Saiya, the smiling one, walked forward as she spoke gently, “It is a pleasure to meet you all,” she said sincerely and surprised them all by hugging their party leader, “Dazien, you are very dashing and honorable. It’s so nice that you look upon strangers with respect.”

“Um, thank you, my lady,” he replied, awkwardly returning her hug.

Then the soft voxen moved again and Uriel froze as she wrapped her arms around his torso, “Uriel, you are very considerate of those around you to restrain your aura in such a manner, a choice I can only assume was made to keep them safe.”

The tall cinderen didn’t respond as he stared at her quizzically and she didn’t wait for a response as she moved to her last target and pulled the redhead into a warm embrace, “And Phoenix, you are simply lovely. I must admit, I am quite enchanted with your aura. An Aurabreaker is a treasure and yours displays well the compassion you have in regard to your companions.”

Phoenix felt her cheeks warm at the compliment and she awkwardly returned the embrace, trying her best not to geek out over the soft tails that had also wrapped around her to reinforce the hug, “Th-thank you, um, Lady Dewsong.”

“Please, just call me Saiya. Two Dewsongs make things confusing, and neither of us are enamored with formalities,” the woman said, giving a warm smile, “Paul, believes we will make a good addition to your party, and I am inclined to agree.”

Phoenix looked from the woman who was even shorter than she was, then over to Paul who nodded in confirmation, then over to Rayna, the carbon copy of the strange voxen that was still clinging to her. She gave the skeptical woman a questioning look but the twin just shrugged in return and said simply, “If Saiya agrees then I will too. I still think you’re all a bit fresh but she's better at reading people than me.”

Paul spoke up, “I’m hoping you can help add your experience to theirs, Lady Rayna. You have been through the fire more than once and know the risks ahead.”

All three of the original trio looked at the former paladin with curious gazes and he gave a huff of annoyance, finally explaining and confirming why he had brought them all together, “Lady Saiya is a Midshift Healer, a very good one I might add from what I read, while Lady Rayna, her twin sister, is a Forward Striker, also extremely talented.

“They lost the other members of their party to the more powerful Soul Reapers that had invaded the Reality Rift our mission took us to,” he added, giving reason to the sudden availability of such talented people.

Phoenix looked down at the woman who seemed to be simply basking in her aura as the voxen continued hugging her, and she indulge in a little petting of one of the tails still wrapped around her with the excuse of an offer of comfort, “I’m sorry," she murmured, “I know it’s not easy to lose people who are close to you.”

Saiya smiled up at her and shook her head gently, “It is an unfortunate inevitability on the path of an Adventurer. We can only hope the lives that were lost meant a multitude of lives saved.”

Rayna spoke up a bit blunter, “It was basically their own faults anyways. We told them to stay near the Healer and not rush in like fools but they ran off after fame and glory and died for their arrogance.”

The Striker gave a huff of annoyance that strongly reminded Phoenix of her mentor for a moment and said, “We were hoping that taking Lord Wayland up on his suggestion would mean getting competent teammates that aren’t just wanting to chase Bits, die for pride, or want us for our family name and status.”

Phoenix laughed, making the brash voxen girl raise a surprised brow, “I think only Dazien would be interested in something like that, and only because he plans to be king someday.”

The brawler looked back at the Defender with another appraising gaze and said bluntly, “You're not my type.”

That caused Phoenix to practically cackle and even Uriel chuckled as Dazien gave the voxen an affronted look, “I didn’t even ask!” he exclaimed, then crossed his arms over his chest and half muttered, “Besides, I do not plan to marry into nobility. I will become a king in my own right.”

“I am sure Dazien has the determination to keep pursuing his dream until it becomes reality,” Saiya said confidently. The small woman finally released the soft grip on Phoenix but the paw-like hand just slipped down to entwine their fingers together instead.

The Healer looked over at her twin and smiled, “It may be the change we’ve been needing, sister, to help the future king achieve his dream.”

Dazien grinned at her, his mood instantly brightened by the affirmation, “Thank you, Lady Saiya. It would be an honor to have you join us.”

Paul spoke up, “Sounds like that’s all settled then. I’m sure you can get them added to the roster tomorrow, right kid?” he confirmed with Dazien, who nodded in confirmation, “Good. We still have plenty of time for training then. With this large of a party we should start using the facilities I have here instead of that small room at the temple or AOA.”

“We wouldn’t want to impose, Lord Wayland,” the Defender said nervously.

“Nonsense,” he said, then gave the most wicked grin Phoenix had ever seen on his face, “And now that you have a dedicated party Healer, we should make sure she gets plenty of practice too.”

Rayna was standing opposite her potential new party leader, her paws now wrapped in cream cloth and her top and pants replaced with the silvery lightweight training gear that they all preferred using.

“Are you sure about this?” Dazien asked from the center of the large training room on one of the lower floors of the Wayland building. He was also in his matching training gear that he normally wore under his armor as well but, instead of his magical sword and metal shield, he held wooden training versions of the weapons.

“Even if it is a blunt practice sword, she is still unarmed,” the young warrior pointed out, gesturing to the smaller woman, “It is a completely unfair advantage.”

“You’re right, but I’ll try not to beat you too badly before Saiya can heal you up,” the Striker snapped back.

“Just no powers,” Paul reminded both of them, then without any more warning he said, “Begin.”

“Wait, just like that?” Dazien began to ask but he was quickly silenced by a fist to the gut that sent him doubled over, and he wheezed, “Cheap… shot…”

Rayna grinned, “Maybe if you weren’t so busy training your mouth, you wouldn’t get laid out by a single punch,” then she bent forward slightly to meet his eyes, “How old are you anyways, kid?”

He gave a groan and said, “I will be twenty in a few months… and you can’t be that much older than I. You’re still a Crystal Caster too.”

“I got about three years on you,” she said with a shrug as she straightened.

The Defender straightened as well and said with exaggerated concern, “Twenty three and still Crystal?” he grinned and poked, “Are you really an Adventurer?”

Another punch flew towards him but he was ready for it this time as he moved to block with his shield and went to thrust with the wooden sword only to find himself looking up at the ceiling in the next moment and groaning from the fall.

Rayna bent over him to look into his face and said with mock concern, “Dear me, it looks like you need to practice that footwork a bit more, my lord.

“Oh, I like her,” Phoenix muttered to Uriel with a grin as they sat on the edge of the mat and he smirked in agreement.

“I am glad,” Saiya said wistfully from her position next to Phoenix, her smooth arm interlocked with the Wayfarer's, as she leaned her head gently against the redhead’s shoulder, the long furred ears tickling the Supporter's neck, “My sister has always been a bit outspoken in her feelings. Many do not take kindly to it.”

Phoenix smiled warmly at the clingy voxen and patted her arm with her unoccupied hand, “I think you both will fit in well. I doubt Paul would have suggested it otherwise,” the Wayfarer said as she looked over to her mentor who returned her glance with a soft smile and a nod.

“Can I ask what your Aspects are?” Phoenix inquired curiously, “Mine is Star, Dark, Moon, and Sun with the Celestial Astromancer class.”

The soft woman nodded with a smile, “I can feel them. You are like a clear night giving way to the dawn. Mine are Song, Water, Balance and Life for the Tranquil Healer class.”

“Song? Is that particularly good for healing?” Phoenix asked curiously as the redhead continued watching Rayna systematically pulverize Dazien with fists, feet, and tails. The voxen's Agility must have been much higher than the gemite's for how much faster she was moving.

Saiya shrugged, “It turned out well for me but the Song Aspect is a tradition in our family. Rayna has it too.”

“Tradition? Why?”

Uriel spoke up then, surprising her slightly, “The Dewsong clan is renowned for their contributions and involvement with the Society of Symphonies and their musical pilgrimages.”

Saiya nodded, “Yes, music is an intrinsic part of my clan's identity. In honor and dedication to it, we all take on the Song Aspect. However, as my sister and I demonstrate, it does not limit our personal pursuits substantially. We make quite the duet, as I can heal, and she…” they heard Dazien groan again as his face hit the mat, “Well… she does the opposite.”

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