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I have been thinking of changing our reward system. As we all know, our current rewards include 3 Illustration packs + Comic. I want to explore giving you guys instead 2 comics a month, with no more illustrations. So our new rewards will include a comic around the 15th and another comic in the 30th. 

The 15th comic will be one-shots or a new series (or maybe "What If", like the Alexi and Andrew reward last month), and the comic at the end will still be the Carters.

What do you think? Let's have a poll below and see what the next month will hold for us. 😉



I'm dying for a sequel to Curtis with the twins, so 2 comics ftw 🙌


Two comics will be amazing. One shots or new series omg so hype for this


I wouldn't Even mind a 10$ tier I love your works got hooked since Carters 4


I love the idea of 2 comics! Do we vote on the mid-month comic similar to the illustration packs or it would be your choice?

Hayden Hayes

Honestly I think you should do what you want, because it’s most important you enjoy this, but I appreciate you asking!


I would love to have two comics a month, but the way it is currently is great. Whichever way works best for you is my choice

Abu Dabi

Keep it fun for you. Don’t burn yourself out if one option would add more stress or make it not enjoyable to work on.


2 comics pretty please 🙏🏽 😬😛


Another comic of Andrew and alexei pls I honestly ship it


Hello ! I have the full membrship but i can't seem to access the rewards. Where do you find them? Thank so much for your response


2 comics I think will be good creatively - you can develop more characters, more series and more fans 😉

Gabriel Alves

Curtis with the twins plz