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Great choices guys. You're really gonna work me this month eh? 😏




Can’t wait for Mateo & Andrew omg


Finally Mat and Drew's gonna get their alone time 😏 Also huge thanks to y'all who voted for Silver and Gray!! There really isn't much nsfw arts of them so I'm very glad they made it to the top 3 💖


I've been looking forward to it as well! Time for some "brotherly love"-time 💦😏


With Mateo's man whore energy and Andrew's I-have-a-gf-but-i-love-banging-my-bro vibe, I can already tell this will be fire 🔥😋


Yay! More Mat x Drew! And finally more Gray x Silver

Hayden Hayes

Love all of those options! Lol it may be work, but can you complain about which won?


I can't wait to see the plots that you will weave for each of the character pairings. I don't have to worry about Mateo and Andrew as anything from the Carter Arc stories are always damn good; Ice Demon Mode Gray and Silver, Ive seen every Fary Tale episode and I know that with these two, its going to be one spice father and son pairing while adult Aang and Sokka, I look forward to this one the most because I really have nothing to say as I know very little about their adventures after Aang's arc before the plot transitions to Korra, and no, I have not seen or read any of Aang's comics.