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(slight rant, if you don't wanna read, I put a TLDR at the bottom)

First of all, I apologize for the long delay. I admit I might've overextended myself with this recent chapter. I got a bit too ambitious about it and just overestimated my abilities. Add to that, I made the mistake of venturing into the comment sections of sites where my work was leaked. Idk what I expected to see, maybe I needed an ego boost. Regrettably, the comments were... something: note on how my art has been declining (fair), but the one that really got to me was the comment that encouraged others to report my Patreon just for the sole reason that I was taking down the leaked content there.

That really made a dent. I know I'm just some guy on the internet that makes horny comics, but the things I do here, your guys' support, has been life-changing. I was able to get healthcare for my parent and help my siblings through school. Even just the joy of being here and being able to create art and interact with you, the thought of that getting taken away just because I wanted our content removed from leak sites feels so cruel. Now that I had a bit of time to percolate on it, I choose to think that their comments come from a place of ignorance rather than malice. Sorry for the long rant, I guess I just wanna include you guys on what's been happening internally.

Again, thank you for your patience.

Regarding Carterverse, I've decided to postpone our Carterverse comic this 20th and take that break I've been planning since last month. I'm starting to feel burnt out and that comment (albeit a bit mean), was right. My art has been declining as of late, and I wanna take a small break to refresh my inner workings.😅 You don't have to wait long though. MTC will take a few months break to prepare for the final season, so Carterverse will replace its spot on July 5th!


1. Sorry for the wait, I was arrogant.

2. Carterverse will replace MTC on the 5th.

3. Yes, we'll have another Carterverse on the 20th.

3.5. Updated the codes on your welcome note, so if you didn't get a dm, you should check it out there!

4. Thank you for your support!

Ps. It's my birthday next week (21st) so drinks are on me if you ever think of that horny comic artist (water only pls).




Mimi A

Glad that you’re taking some time to yourself! We appreciate you and your work and also, happy early birthday! 🥳

Tyrone Bachus

indeed, if you need time take it, and many of us are still backing 'cause we LOVE your horny art! we'll be here when you get back, and happy birthday!

Principe A Righe

Hi Creedo, Maybe today is your birthday? Happy birthday and have a great day!