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How is it that an MC who "doesn't listen to hip hop" and a producer who was BORED with hip hop ended up making one of the best hip hop albums of all time?   

RIP to the Supervillain

Stream the Spotify Listening Guide: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7cyL5sisoD7a4852YWGQh2?si=7e0d4f7647ab4029

The Spin article: https://www.spin.com/2019/03/mf-doom-madvillain-interview-madvillainy-anniversary/

DOOM on the mask and putting the focus on the music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XATR0dWa2U4

DOOM on speaking "Telepathically" - https://youtu.be/JGu0ao_rdAk?t=456

DOOM talking about being a writer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGu0ao_rdAk&t=4755s

Madlib on the recording process - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYb4eDF3ie0

Article where Egon speaks on Madlib not being interested in hip hop - https://pitchfork.com/features/article/9478-searching-for-tomorrow-the-story-of-madlib-and-dooms-madvillainy/

Documentary history of the Cult Villains - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJXoVGmxsA0&t=0s

DOOM and Madlib talking about genre - https://www.bonafidemag.com/cover-story-madlib-ftdoom-interview/

Madlib LA Times Interview - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-jan-20-ca-weingarten20-story.html




Honestly one of my favourite videos on any platform. Love how it’s not just monotone voice overs and no passion for the music. Really makes me appreciate the album more than I ever did before. All love DTG. Also, the background music used right after the America’s Most Blunted section, what’s the name of it? Sounds great.


I’ll have to look it up 🧐 I use royalty free licensed music for the background so it may or may not be available on streaming etc

Jake Truman

If you're interested in creating playlists for multiple platforms but want to avoid all the work, check out: https://soundiiz.com/features#seePlatforms 😎

Jake Truman

I don't work for them or anything, but would love to see your playlists on YT Music #shameless