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I used an iPod for a month and changed my life. This is the 4th and final part of the series, and you'll want to make sure and watch til the end

This video features original scoring by Andrew Reyes: https://www.instagram.com/andrew_on_keys/



Kris Blindert

Thanks for the insight in this series - makes me realise what a bullet I've been dodging all this time, plus want to make a recommendation... I'm a dance teacher in Lindy Hop and vernacular Jazz and I've found streaming services don't reliably have all the music I need for my work, and as a bit of an old-head I've always been a little paranoid that streaming collections can be removed at any time (as you point out in the video). Result being that I've pretty much been doing what you've ended on - I have my own music files, and only use streaming for the occasions when someone sends me a link. Now to the recommendation: buy music on bandcamp! Tons of great artists and they get a bigger cut of the sale than other online stores I know. Three examples of stuff I got on bandcamp: Preservation Hall Jazz Band has a few things on there; for instance I really like Covergence: https://preservationhalljazzband.bandcamp.com/track/covergence Noname's debut album, Room 25, is on there: https://nonameraps.bandcamp.com/album/room-25 Finally, I bought a new album for work recently and am enjoying it: Ian Hutchison, Bop for Dancers https://ianhutchison.bandcamp.com/album/bop-for-dancing

Justin Lyons

REALLY dope series. the production on your vids is usually top teir but this had me glued like a Vox series or something! hats off 🫡 I can't give up my apps just yet but I like the idea of taking off the socials and keeping them at home on the tablet. also when you found the iPod dongle in the uhaul van it was like (insert triumphant sports analogy here)! I was in my car cheering for ya! lol