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Hello Friends!

There’s a LOT happening here at Digging The Greats this month, and I want to make sure you don’t miss anything - Here’s what’s coming up in April, as well as a couple other housekeeping announcements.

DJ Livestream + Giveaway

Every month I host The Break Room - a livestream DJ set exclusively for DTG Patreon members. It’s a blast playing music, trying out new remixes, and getting to hang with everybody live in the chat! And this month as part of The Break Room, I’ll to be hosting a giveaway as well!

I’ll make a formal announcement closer to the date, but Wednesday, April 17th will be the next Break Room! I’ll be spinning, hanging out, and giving away a handful of records and merch like shirts and slip mats live on the stream! You must be present in the livestream to win, winners will be picked from the attendees at random.

This month The Break Room is available to ALL Tiers (Free, Kick It, & Producers)

Beat Battle: Round 2

Last month on the Producers Tier, we had a good ‘ol fashioned Beat Battle. The rules were simple: I gave everybody a Dropbox folder with a few samples in it, and everyone had a week to make a beat out of it. Then I reviewed the submissions on an exclusive livestream, and man… it was incredible! So much creativity, so much good music!

So this month we’re doing it again, and even better! I’ll be announcing more details soon, but I’ll be hosting the livestream on Wednesday, April 24th - this time via Zoom so we can all video chat together. And just like last time, prizes include free merch and the opportunity to get your track featured in a future DTG YouTube Video (with a shoutout and links).

The Beat Battle is available to everyone on the Producers Tier

New Alternate Endings on Videos

If you’re on a paid tier you already know you’re getting the extended cut of videos, full of stuff that can’t make the YouTube edit. ThIs is the edit I make FIRST, and then cut it down to get through YouTube’s copyright system. And if you’ve ever seen the ending of a YouTube video, I always point to another video at the end.

The only thing is, here on Patreon, where there’s no way to link videos, that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense - I’m pointing at nothing! So last week I tried a new kind of ending - Listening to the featured song at the end with additional commentary. This was a great way to end the video since we hadn't actually listened to the song (Can I Kick It), plus I was able to provide additional commentary. Between the extended cut and the extended ending, this resulted in the full edit being 50% longer than the YouTube edit!

So, like last week’s video, I’m officially going to stop pointing at nothing and start adding a song listen through at the end of the video. This will include longer segments of the song or songs in question, and additional commentary that didn’t fit in the main story portion of the video.

Extended Videos are available to everyone on the Kick It and Producers Tiers

Streaming Playlists

This month I'll also have a new streaming playlist, though I haven't decided on a theme yet - Any Suggestions? Drop a comment on this post and let me know! I've done 1 playlist of Funk, and 3 Volumes of the "Digs" series, which is an eclectic mix of music.

There are multiple routes I could go - maybe a "Summer Roadtrip" playlist, or a genre specific deep dive - let me know what you think! I'd love to hear from you.

I've got two other quick announcements today...

Annual Memberships

When I launched the DTG Patreon in December, many of you asked if Annual Memberships were available - but since I was brand new to Patreon, I had to wait to enable it. Now I'm pleased to announce that Digging The Greats Annual Memberships are now available!

This will save you 15% over a monthly membership, and save me a ton on processing fees. So if you're planning on sticking around for a while, or just want to support DTG more upfront, go into the settings on Patreon and upgrade to Annual.

Individual Beat Recreations

One of the perks of the Producers Tier is that you get free access to the Ableton Beat Recreations I make for every video. But if you just want one specific one, or don't want to make the full jump to the Producers Tier yet, Beat Recreations are now available a la carte.


Whew! We made it! I tried to tell you, there's a LOT going on this month - and that's to mention, the videos coming every Friday - I couldn't be more excited!

Keep Digging,

Brandon aka B Shaw aka Mister Diggs




Awesome! Can't wait for livestreams 💥

Ambree Williams

Wow...a Wednesday? I'll either be sleep or at work, depending what time you start. Kinda sucks, but I guess there's a good reason behind it...🙁👎


Noooooooooooo! Only doing Wednesday cuz I can’t do Saturdays this month - if you can’t be there I seriously gotta rethink! Sunday??