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Hey everyone sorry to say this but there will be a lack on posting content. I was close on finishing 3 animations this week but unfortunately I've caught a tummy bug last night and it's been really unpleasant.

Even after making some progress on feeling somewhat better I couldn't stay standing up right on my chair for less than 20 minutes without feeling sick and my muscles feeling sore.

I'm really sorry about this. I'll be getting well as soon as I can.

And just to let you know what animations are coming. The Midna at the beach, just needs polishing. The one I've been working in the background is La Brava casting, I've had lots of fun working on this one and it will be fully voiced. Final one which is a commission is Ankha, possible the most complexed one I've ever worked on. Look forward to that for this month and more




I hope you feel better soon! Take the time you need to get better.