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I want to extend a heartfelt apologies to all of my patrons, for my lack of content for this month's billing cycle.

I'd go into detail, but I honestly don't want to stain the timeline with near suicidal tales about cancer, and the injustice of life, the agony of the absence of a higher power, and the curse of being forced to outlive the most important people in your life.

But suffice to say, there's a good reason why I've been dragging my feet these last 4 weeks. My commissions keep piling up, but I've had to put family first.

I thank you from the bottom of my worn out heart to anyone and everyone who's still listening, reading this post.




Centrifugal Bumble Pup

I've gone through the same more than I wished (once is too much) and I know I'll be going through it some more later on in life. All you can do is try to pull through it.


You’re golden. Keep focused on what matters most. We’ll be here.