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My half of a trade with Mango-chan! one which I'm incredibly proud of. Mango approached me with the idea of drawing Mango as a magical girl-type character, and it got me thinking. I mean it's bad enough that I hit puberty during my viewing of Sera Mun back in the early/mid 90's! But now that I can draw/compose the same shit that I looked up to everyday on my limited dial-up internet access??? Well suffice to say I was very hyped to craft this. Moreso because then I asked myself, what happens to magical girls that grow into adulthood with those powers, I mean Madoka shat all over that possibility, and Sera Mun, we never ever really went farther than 18ish with Haruka and Michiru. Sure we saw what happened to Usagi, but she's a special case, SUPPOSEDLY the other senshi remain soldiers, but they still rook the same. But yeah I just went with that interesting notion, a fully grown (and filled out) woman still fighting the good magical girl fight, not letting age wear her down. What if it's JUST the one magical girl, not a team. I wanted to properly display a magical woman and her plight in a picture, her battle spirit and emotional baggage from so many years, and I think I did a good enough jobbe on it UoU /")



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