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P1: Horizontal shot of Moxxie in Loona, while Loona's head rests on Millie's lap.

LOONA: Oh Satan... oh sweet Satan...

MILLIE: Rest here on my lap, darlin'.

P2: Loona looks up at Millie.

LOONA: Am I... doing good so far?

P3: Millie looks down at her.

MILLIE: You're doing wonderfully, sweetie.

P4: Millie slides her hands down Loona's body.

MILLIE: So... how does it feel now that he's fucking you?



Armando Pulgar

I'm not very good at English so sorry if there are any errors, jsjs, it's just to say that I love your art and what you bring from the comic. I met him through a nsfw comics page in Spanish, toonx it's called, but I honestly didn't want to wait so long for the new pages so here I am