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Right, so the idea to do monthly comics 100% didn't work out. I ended up completely hardwalled, and could neither make the time or mental energy to make anything of worth for it. It was a case of overestimating my abilities, and a mistake I've made in the past, so I can't do anything but apologize for it, particularly to the guy who's suggestion actually won the vote and then it didn't get made.

After some thought and reevaluation, I've decided to remove that $750 goal and add a future $1000 goal that I actually know for certain I can fulfill:
Following in the steps of how the $500 goal made $15 patrons recieve a smaller version of the $40 sketch request reward, with the $1000 goal met I'll do a mid-monthly doodle request stream for all patrons that come to pop in.

As a single-day longstream thing as opposed to a monthly 'project', this is much more doable and should also hopefully be a little more equal-enjoyment (patrons that aren't in the existing request tiers will be prioritized for doodles for fairness sake).


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