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Posted with permission from Thomas Holm (the photographer) - go check out his Patreon to https://www.patreon.com/thomasholmphoto

see some brilliant images and learn more about how they were made.

Regina Piil and our first shoot

About 7-8 years ago I first saw some images of Regina Piil on a Facebook group for 

Danish photographers and models. And since the first images I saw, I found that she had 

a charisma which I always favor for my style of images.

So I contacted her and asked if she was willing to shoot some nudes with me but she 

wasn’t interested.

I told her to contact me if she ever felt like modeling for nudes, but never expected 

anything further to happen.

Perhaps 18 months later she got in touch and asked if I still wanted to shoot.

I happily obliged and we created the set of images you see here. At the time I had access 

to a wonderful daylight studio and it was here I seriously started to love shooting with 

available light too.

Here is a BTS movie from the second to last image (apologies for it being rotated)

An interesting fact for some is that all the images - and my entire book The Graces too are 

shot with a Sony NEX-7 Camera. save for a few images. Thats' a $550 camera including 

the kit lens, and quality is astonishing.

But I digress.

I remember one aspect of the conversation Regina and I had that day: She was curious as 

to why I never contacted her again.

Apparently, it's normal for many photographers to repeatedly ask models to shoot.

But I rarely ask twice and if I do it’s always with a comment like "I just want to make sure 

you have not changed your mind about shooting nudes with me”.

I don’t nag models to shoot (and these days the roles are really reversed as most models 

ask to shoot with me instead of the other way around).

From my point of view, a young woman should carefully consider the potential 

ramifications of having nude images floating around on the internet. We all know that 

unfortunately, this can limit which jobs a woman can hold in the future and the way others 

will look upon her.

Why having had people take pictures of you naked would make you a less good Lawyer or 

less capable of educating children is beyond me.

It’s deeply hypocritical in my opinion but unfortunately, it’s a fact of life.




Lovely - what’s her name?


Hey her name is Regina Pill :)