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Posted with permission from Thomas Holm, the photographer. 
Check out Thomas' Patreon where this post is from if you want to see some gorgeous images and learn about how he creates them.

I remember the first thing I noticed about Naomi was she is TALL. I picked her up at the train station and after some confusion on finding each other we managed it, partly because she was higher than anyone else around.
And very sweet.

Anyway, we picked up a couple of salads on the way to the studio where we started shooting the images where she is standing. These were  lit with a deep silver umbrella (a Westcott Zeppelin'er in case you want to know). It can give this ring flash kind-of-feeling if you stand in the middle of it. 
The rest of the images are daylight through a window, the stripes ones are created using a fringe curtain like the many others I’ve done in this series. There is a guide on my Patreon if you are interested.

I had set out to create some graphic interesting images that day, really working with shapes and shadows.

I rarely participate in competitions but I did win a Graphis Gold award from the image with Naomi lying in the square of light. The light on this is exquisite in itself, but It has also been helped along because of the way I edit skin-tones and do dodge and burn.
My idea for this particular image was to make the models' organic shape be framed by the hard light streaming in through the window. 

I generally think hard light works extremely well with dark-skinned women, but I’m also attracted to the possibilities of creating interesting shadows.

I managed to find a single BTS image and a short video, I have no idea why i didn't do more videos that day...
Mini video here 



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