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Hi honey! I hope you are full of energy today and in good health! I'm fine! (´ ▽ `) ノ

What is promised is debt! I told you that I was going to notify (publish) here on Patreon the rewards of this month of August!

I will probably deliver them next week!

either by mail, Discord or here on Patreon ヾ (= `ω´ =) ノ"

So that you have them without fail and I will be publishing here some photos to share them with you either public or those who are members (these photos would be exclusive for you) <3

If you want to know more you can talk to me on Twitter or Instagram, you are welcome to talk to me <3

The Waifus of this would be:

☆ Ekaterian Kurae (SEIKON NO QWASER) ~ Anime / Manga ~

☆ Summer Taliyag (League of Legends) ~ Video Game ~

Then I will be asking you by Chat which of the two you are going to choose, for those who do not respond I will send them a random waifu

I hope you value my content and like it!

Thank you for your wonderful support, I love you so much!



Hola honey! espero que estes lleno de energia hoy y con muy buena salud! yo estoy muy bien! 

( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Lo prometido es deuda! les comente que iba a notificar (publicar) aqui en Patreon las recompensa de este mes de Agosto! 

probablemente las entregue la semana que viene! 

ya sea por correo, Discord o aqui en Patreon ヾ(=`ω´=)ノ”

Para que las tengas sin falta y estare publicando aqui algunas fotos para compartirlos con ustedes ya sea publico o los que son miembro (estas fotos serian exclusivas para ustedes) <3 

Si quieren saber mas pueden hablarme por Twitter o Instagram, son bienvenido a hablarme <3 

Las Waifus de este serian: 

☆Ekaterian Kurae (SEIKON NO QWASER) ~Anime/Manga~

☆Taliyag Veraniega (League of Legends) ~Videojuego~

Luego le estare preguntando por Chat cual de las dos van a escoger, para aquellos que no respondan les enviare una waifu aleatoriamente

Espero que valores mi contenido y te guste! 

Gracias por tu Maravilloso apoyo, Te amo mucho!




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