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Soy  Kyoko!, Tengo 19 años y el Cosplay para mi es mi Todo! Mi pequeña y maravillosa  Pasión <3 

Bueno les contare sobre mi asi que sientense ponganse comodos y disfruten la lectura asi podran saber mas de quien soy ( u v u) <3 

Para comnezar soy una cosplayer de Venezuela y he ido por todo el pais (Bueno no... pero si a varias ciudades asistiendo muchas convenciones xwx)||... ) 

Mi inicio en el Mundo del Cosplay: Fue en el 2012, tenia como unos 13 años estaba super emocionadisima.
Antes  de descubrir ese mundo, sentia que no tenia un lugar adonde podia  encajar, o que no me sentia comoda... 

Al Adentrarme en ese mundo me di cuenta que al transcurso que iba haciendo cosplay, y iba a convenciones pude experimentar muchas emociones, emociones las cual me ponen sentimental al recordarlas, porque pude hacer amigos, conocer a muchas personas que tenian mi mismos gustos y Divertirme con mis cosplays hecho con amor.

Poco a poco fui mejorando y aprendiendo muchas cosas tanto en el cosplay como persona construyendo mi propio mundo adonde podia "Encajar"

/"Si no Encuentras un lugar para ti, Crealo tu Mismo "\

Me considero como una persona Amable, Alegre, una persona "calida" en ese sentido, y con muchos malos chistes ywy de los cuales te haran sonreir <3 

Aparte del cosplay, Me gusta mucho hacer Makeup de personajes que me encantan, Cuadrar Grupales, jugar Videojuegos, Viajar, escuchar musica, ver uno que otro anime, leer mangas y Manhwas <3 

Yo misma Edito mis Fotos, Hago mis propios accesorios, Acomodo mis Wig's, Armaduras, Maquillaje, no me considero cosmaker en si aun porque aun me falta un largo camino que recorrer, Mi hermano mayor es fotografo profesional y me ayuda mucho a mostrar mi trabajo que tanto esfuerzo, amor y cariño realizo. 

Mi sueño en un futuro es al vivir fuera del pais viajar por distinto lugares conociendo a muchas personas para compartir haciendo grupales, aprendiendo mucho mas del cosplay,  para asi ser una Cosplayer Profesional, algun dia tambien ser Modelo y ser Youtube mostrando mis trabajos y makeup de mis waifus <3

Espero que me apoyen en este sueño, Gracias por Leerme, Que pases Buen Dia! <3  

------------------ English ---------------------

My name is Génesis Morales but for many people they know me as "Kyoko", I am 19 years old and the Cosplay for me is my Everything! My little and wonderful Passion <3

Well I will tell you about me so feel comfortable and enjoy reading so you can know more about who I am (uv u) <3

To begin I am a cosplayer from Venezuela and I have traveled all over the country (well no ... but to several cities which I have attended many conventions)
My start in the cosplay world: it was in 2012, I was about 13 years old and I was super happy.
Before discovering that world, I realized I did not have a place where I could fit, or that I did not feel comfortable enough ...
When I entered into that world of cosplay, little by little I was experiencing emotions, emotions that make me sentimental when I remembered them, because I could make friends, meet many people who had my same tastes, learn from them and have fun with my cosplays made with love.
Little by little I was improving and learning many things, as a cosplayer and as a person building my own world where I could "fit"

/ "If you do not find a place for yourself, create it yourself"\

I consider myself as a kind, cheerful person, a person "warm" and with many bad jokes of which they will make you smile <3

Apart from the cosplay, I really like to make Makeup of characters that I love, Square Groups, play Videogames, Travel, listen to music, see the odd anime, read manga and Manhwas <3

I edit my photos, I make my own accessories, I arrange my Wig's, Armor, Make-up, I do not consider myself a cosmaker even though I still have a long way to go, My older brother is a professional photographer and he helps me a lot to show my work what effort, love and affection I make.
My dream in the future is to live outside the country travel through different places knowing many people to share doing group, learning much more of cosplay, so be a professional Cosplayer, someday also be a model and be Youtube showing my work and makeup of my waifus <3

I hope you support me in this dream, Thanks for reading, Good day! <3


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