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Castle: "You think you can get away after you ruined my sting operation?!"

Spider Woman: "Castle... Frank.. come on. Give me a break, I just started in the "stopping criminals" career. I didn't knew I will screw up on my first mission-..."

Castle: "Your "career" ends here and now, murderer! Get on the ground or I WILL make you!"

Spider Woman: "Come on, you don't understand... I'm not a murderer..."

*partly true, still a killer. At least she is getting started as a heroine*

continuing this render,  part 2 of this one https://www.patreon.com/posts/cornered-and-at-93171466 , showcasing Det Frank Castel (design wise he is similar to the comic version). Clearly he is not pleased that Spider Gwen messed up his sting operation (trying to bust a international smuggling gang is something too muh for her, considering she just began her hero career, taking place after this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRinAQHzBFQ).

When you are wanted for killing your best friend and want to redeem yourself, messing up a sting operation is not a good start to try and gain some trust from Castle...

Shoutout to @AtomicTEM for editing the police cars to adapt them to NYPD standards.



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