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Part 91 

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I'm at an impasse here. If we let her go, she'll just come back stronger like she has every single time before. However, if we let Jingle keep touching her, she could get goop'd (sure Cass could un-goop Jingle, but in that small moment, she could make Jingle into some kind of meat-shield). Both options however don't seem like it's possible for a game over right now. We either allow for a stronger fight later, or knock one (or both if the shield prediction comes true) out. I think I'm going for knocking out to make things easier later. If Jingle gets knocked out too, we can just leave her in the safety of the ship. P.S. I'm assuming "strike" is a KO and not a kill since as far as I'm aware, there haven't been any "death" deaths in this series, only KOs and avoidances (unless I'm forgetting something)...plus, Cass doesn't seem like the killer type.


You know what to do.