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'A terrifying vision of what could happen appears in your mind's eye when you consider forming a shield, so you decide to strike with a polehammer instead.  You make some of the substance dense for the hammer and use your suit's manipulation ability to put tension into the pole itself, allowing you to perform a catapult like swing and smash his hip before his punch could land.

Having his weight on that leg, his swing's power faltered.  Even so the blow sends you across the room.  You just manage to remain conscious.  You try to conceal how much damage you took and stand, forming a complete armor for your body while the being paused to reorganize his own covering.

While trying to think of a plan, a being you haven't seen before enters with a captured Jingle.  Victory against the one large being was uncertain.  Against both the situation is nearly hopeless.  However, you feel something faint that you didn't notice before.  A deep power in your suit that has the potential to leap across the infinite gap set in place to separate one individual from another.'


One life remains.  Decision Poll 




the boogie suit is pretty nice, all these possibilities...


If only we got a closer look at Jingle in her current predicament