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'Jingle decides to approach.  Two boobies begin advancing, one on the left and one on the right.  You can not shoot both at once.  The third booby disappears behind the main being.

A draft rings Jingle's bell.  She turns and fires at a fourth booby ambushing her from above/behind. The charged shot destroys the being, however in the exchange Jingle failed to notice goop coming from one of the floor grates nearby.

The main being walks towards you.'


Two lives remain.  Decision Poll




Sapphire Crook

Is it just me Or does the Booby Look a little slick Rounder, a little thick Like a bullet or sphere Made of pure fear Instead of their shapes Simple and pleasant As I recall their old japes And snap back to the present Jingle's teeth, are as clean as her fur But I fear her Boogie Buds, want to add a little on top Another dash of white, a coating more pure Stay and wait, don't make another pop


Well, this kinda feels like a situation where we always lose. xD