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Part 70 

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Sapphire Crook

Geeze, Cassandra, my legs hurt just looking Seeing you squat, while the Boogies are cooking The conveyor overhead, noisy and loud Better be careful, three Boogies' a crowd. As Jingle sits by, just out of sight. Coordination's key, teamwork your plight. But if you do bite his ankle, or give him a paw Remember to apologise, for exploiting his flaw. I'll be honest, I must confess a lack of insight Because I really don't know, what answer would be right! Personally speaking, Jingles should move Open the tube So she can get in a groove And while the big man, turns around to do his thing We zap him and shoot him, as our opening swing!


Hmm, what to do… I kinda feel like Cassandra isn’t particular hidden here. If we wait for Jingle, the big guy will most likely see her and grab her. Hopefully attacking him with her suit will at the very least incapacitate the big guy long enough for Jingle to grab the gun. Let's hope that I'm right about this...


I say we wait for jingle to give a signal, we don't know how fast the glass will open, ether push open or push and command than open. (I'm not sure but wasn't there other boogies in the area flying around in a few seconds ago🤔, part 65)

Sapphire Crook

Those Boobies were behind the glass, haunting Cassandra's ship. They're unlikely to leave their post, if they're on guard duty.


I voted to attack but now I'm afraid that the can might break open when it gets electrocuted along with the koopa boogie boy. Here's hoping we picked right.