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Little curious about what could have been?  

Lets start from the top, here we go.

Part 12: Girl in the kitchen 

If you chose to help Victini find clothes, your wife would have got impatient and ran out to help.  You would have seen this and ran out after her, resulting in both of you freezing like the maid.  Victini would drag you all inside and you'd spend the rest of the day recovering with her nursing you.

Part 11: Frozen Diremaid 

Likewise, going out with your wife would have gotten you all frozen.  An earlier game over.

Part 10: Diremaid 

Letting your wife be assimilated was the better option.  Being a better match, she would warned you about being weak to cold, and the wolf would be safely released outside.

Part 9: Wolf vs Absol redux 

If you had hidden, you wouldn't have seen the diremaid and hid in the kitchen.  You would  discover green juice giving you the option to turn into flygon.  But if you weren't careful, you'd accidentally attack the Victini, who would eventually wander in.

Part 8: Absol beats Direwolf 

If you carried the direwolf out, he would have woken up, broke free, and create a big hole through the window at the other end of the hall.  Potential early game overs.  One solution was using boogie goop to temporarily cover the hole.

Part 7: Direwolf! 

Hiding in the side room would result in the maid meeting the direwolf first.  Depending on your choices, you could have formed boogie absol.

Part 6: Go back for new clothes? 

Going back you'd meet boogie victini in your bedroom where she was making your bed.  She would offer her boogie goop to "clothe" Absol.  The direwolf would move up the stairs and follow you to the bedroom. 

Part 5: Stairwell milk 

If your wife stayed a lopunny, she would not have been able to beat the direwolf in a fight.  Early game over potential if you chose to join her losing fight.

Part 4: Left or right? 

You all wondered, what possible hint was there?  Door B stood for Boogie.  You would have met boogie victini immediately, before she walked to your bedroom to make the bed.

Before part four I made a possibility diagram for the first three parts.  

Here's the raggy diagram tree I made for the first few parts 

Part 3: It's cold 

Taking a shower would have, of course, given you a sexy shower scene.  But you also would notice something strange coming out of the shower, which would in fact be boogie goop.  If you let it take over your wife, your fully formed boogie wife would explain that it found a way to escape from a secret dungeon through the pipes, but its host still needs to be rescued and her location is unknown.  This was the last part that would take you into the secret dungeon arc.

Part 2: Shy wife  

You and your wife tend to sleep in different beds unless you're intending to make love, hence her befuddlement.  Asking about her clothes could have lead to a walk in closet scene, where you would discover a hidden door that would lead to a dark corridor with steps leading down to the dark underside of the cabin.

Part 1: What are you doing here? 

Trying to leave would have got her to beg you to stay.  You would have figured out who she is and your relationship with her earlier. 

So there you have it.  More mental work to this than meets the eye, I'll tell you.  Then just a fraction of it gets pulled out of the ether and drawn.



I thought the Maid Drones were controlling or something, like, in a bad way. I need to read about them more


The secret dungeon can be the sequel adventure. :p


I concure. The dungeon could be a sequel. But this was fun to watch and be a part of.


Now you guys have me thinking about it. But before that, I have another CYOA planned for later this year (btw welcome American Otter!)


Thank you and your welcome.

Chance Drenning

I still stand by with clothing these fuckers.


I'm still curious about the Flygon Juice stuff.

Locke Robyn

Are we gonna see more of the bunnywife or victini-boogie-maid in the future?


I guess its safe to say probably the reason people thought the drones were bad was due to how they were "painted in a bad light" (with the reindeer lucario drone & the boogie Krystal art). But if im understanding correctly; they can either be good or bad, it really just depends on how its programmed, someone can use it for good, like services or jobs, but someone can use it for evil such as enslavement and control. Of course, that's just the way i see it.


darn, I was super excited to see all the drones! heres hoping we see them in the future!

Chance Drenning

Regardless of how I wanted these nerds to wear clothes, this shit bopped man! The art was fantastic as always, the detailed backgrounds are always amazing to see. This is why I give you money


Same. Not gonna lie, now that I know we missed so many Boogies, I feel a bit cheated. I only say a bit, because this was a majority rules project. And it was still a nice story.


Nope we have to part ways with them. Aside from the bonus part. There are rumors of a sequel going around though.


It took way longer than I thought it would for you guys to run into em. But that's how the cookie crumbles.

Locke Robyn

Sad, I liked the victini's design in particular. Don't get to see anthro'tinis often. Oh well!

Chance Drenning

You stalking my rat and me. I'll feed him ketamine and have him fight your direwolf for dominance!