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Normally your lopunny wife is quite happy letting you make all the decisions. But occasionally she gets in a certain mood.




Gentlemen. We finally did it :)

Lava Austin

Oh my- I am staring respectfully


I guess I just had to ask.


Meh, I much prefer my Boogie maid/wife far more than her. Absolutely wonderful art, though; the shading really adds depth and helps me see which direction the light is coming from onto her.

Paladin Kou

I love my Lopunny wife when she takes initiative


I kinda wanna be inside her. Literally. >< ;

Joseph Ampharos (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-06 19:26:33 I am so happy this is a relationship in which each member enjoys themselves.~
2024-06-02 05:30:15 I am so happy this is a relationship in which each member enjoys themselves.~

I am so happy this is a relationship in which each member enjoys themselves.~

Andrew Frisina

Yeah. I'm not denying the Lopunny Mommy what she requested. But I gotta lick and suck through the panties first. That's called Proper Foreplay Management.

Andrew Frisina

Might as well be. Proper terminology assists with easy communication after all. :V


I'd happily listen if she were still a boogy