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I was thinking about Episode 3 again after doing those comic pages and came up with some ideas for some fun stuff if I could make a new game with the original engine. Not that it's something that's likely to happen but it's just a fun thought experiment.

I started playing around with ideas for Kit's costume, as I do :) After a few different scribbles I realized that the bike leathers Kit is still the one I like the most right now for adventuring. So here's a modified version of it for fun. It will probably get tweaked a bit as there's a couple of details I don't like in the finished art. But that's just par for the course.




I always enjoy seeing your outfit designs. It's always so..'techy' mixed with urban...(almost desert) survival? I'm not sure what the right terms are x'D I just love it, especially the metal plating here and there between the softer cloths. You also did that a lot for the TY character designs. Still one of my favorite styles of armor to this day because of that <3 Kit came out really well here. Could only dream for a new game, but it's cool to see your ideas on paper.