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OK Greeley animated :)

Getting back into practice with Spine again. I did this one portrait to see how it goes on Instagram. But smart Steve made sure there's no clipping on the top and sides so I can use it in a normal landscape video as well later.

I'm always learning :)



Man, I really need to try Spine. I did use to do small animations in After Effects using some easy tools to move things around...but I hear people talk about Spine as well as a mix within animating. I really like how you animated her, fluent but subtle movements. I gotta get back to that too.

Space Captain Steve

I did the new TY animation is AE because we weren't really planning on them being as complicated as they ended up, a byproduct of me getting more ideas as to what I could do as I did them. They were supposed to be simple sliding comic layers but ended up with animations and lip sync. If I was doing it from the start I would have done all the tricky stuff in Spine. It's MUCH easier and better at handling animation control. Source: I'm doing all my new stuff Spine then layering in AE.


I did see this comment a while ago, but I forgot to reply! Thanks for the lengthy explanation. The animations you've done are amazing, I love how fluent it looks. And yeah...the more ideas you get, the more you need to work for them haha. Must be a pain in AE I can imagine (my animation skills are nowhere near that level, but small movement animations I've done are already tricky if there isn't a formula code to put in...) Again, I really should try Spine. If you ever end up streaming some of the work in progress how you animate, I'd love to see that sometimes too. :D