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It took me a while but I finally got things working to where I like them. I've tried them out on my cheapo tablet and it works nice.

I really need to drop in some critters and people on this scene. 

I'm not sure if I want to work on the interior screens or go back to the dialogs. Any suggestions?


Gunwale Regis April 2023

After weeks of experimenting and a few dead ends, I've finally got my touch control scheme worked out. The throttle is a few invisible buttons on the side that correspond to the 4 speeds Reverse, Stop, Half, and Full. You can steer the boat by tapping on the water. Tapping the boat will ring the bell and cause it to straighten up. Top right corn is a horn you can toot. I still have to add art to that :) Also reworked the wake but I haven't done anything for when you reverse. You can follow along the development of this prototype at my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/SpaceCaptSteve



For the wake trailing the boat, could it lag behind a bit? Like if you move the boat up and down, the furthest back part of the wake shouldn't move with the boat. Kind of like "paint the fence" in Karate Kid where the bristles of the brush lag behind the handle of the brush.

Space Captain Steve

I did have a test I did that worked that way but I haven't ported those bits into this code yet. I just wanted to get the old one I had in this version running again and reacting to the boat speed. So yeah, I'm going to try to get something like you suggested in at some point, also some sort of bow ripples (I THINK I've worked out how to do them but haven't tried anything there yet.)