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Here's another batch of character ideas I've been working one for Gunwale Regis. I'm using these posts as a reason to actually write down info about the characters backgrounds.

Kallab Sandskin, Noot Safari Owner. He takes great pride in the care he gives his Noots and has gotten a pretty good reputation as an excellent trainer as well. I friendly fellow who is quiet and prefers the company of his animals.

Gurt Tuckle, she may be the only seamstress within boating distance but she make up for it by being one of the best around. Gurt has been married to Jimby forever and the two lovebirds argue like... and old married couple... of course!

Sula Wessil, a salt dealer from mysterious far away lands, probably the same regions as the White Wanderer. They couldn't be more different though. Sula has a big heart and is more than happy to help out for free when she can.

Elgin Kreel, the vagabond. Everything she owns is in that back and she keeps away from the community at large hiding under the supports of an aqueduct. She could probably use a hand but is too proud to ask for help.

Festin Burr, the region's Buzzerfly steward. Her family has been farming Buzzerfly honey for generations but Festin has come up with some new techniques that a working wonders for production. That doesn't sit well with some of the more traditional Buzzerfly stewards.



Those are a lot!