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This last week I've mostly been dealing with trying to stay cool during this heatwave we've had. It's a small price to pay for the mostly amazing weather we have the rest of the year. My air con needs to be replaced and I'm waiting for the main unit to arrive (since last November).

Other than industrial levels of sweat I've done a few bits of not so visible stuff. So I'll do a quick list here and update properly later.

  • Updated the Crime Club site to add the new comic. (I hate Wordpress.)
  • Played around with a nicer wake for the boat.
  • Reworking a new version of the throttle graphics.
  • Need to add a rope to pull to ring the bell and toot the horn as well.
  • Had a good rethink of how I was going to do the interiors. Came up with something that's going to look heaps better and lest stress for me to put together. More on that later.
  • Bonus new character.



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