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One more down. I've only got a page or two left for this story (depending on how much I want to cram things in). I'm hoping I can get this done before the end of the year. I should have plenty of time since I'm on holidays from Friday for 3 weeks.

Also on the Bossa Nova front - I didn't add drones shooting but I did set it up so bits of them would fly off when Kit hit them. Bouncing around with trails of sparks. I'd been meaning to work out how to do that from day one. Though I did spend like an hour trying to work out why the bits were turning off too soon even though there was nothing in the code to do that. I discovered that I'd linked them to the blade to test something else out and every time you attacked to hit them more the bits would get turned off. 

It all works well now :)




If available, i will purchase a physical copy


Hoho, I'd go shopping at a bakery called "Madame Guillotine". I assume it's somewhere near the Place de la Concorde in Paris?